
Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Syok pada Infeksi Dengue Anak

Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Syok pada Infeksi Dengue AnakDi RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul   Abstract: Dengue is a important viral disease for public health issues. Compared to the 1950s where only nine countries have reported the case, then now is the geographic distribution has included more than 112 countries in the
12 March 2012 Comments are off

Hubungan Kadar Glukosa Darah dengan Kulitas Hidup

Hubungan Kadar Glukosa Darah dengan Kulitas Hidup pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe II di RSUD Sleman Yogyakarta Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with blood glucose levels higher than normal. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing, especially diabetes mellitus type 2 caused by various factors like lifestyle changed that
12 March 2012 Comments are off

Pengukuran Kadar Aseton Udara Nafas sebagai Indikator Peningkatan Ketogenesis

Pengukuran Kadar Aseton Udara Nafas sebagai Indikator Peningkatan Ketogenesis pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tidak Terkontrol Abstract: Impaired of carbohydrate metabolism is characteristic of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) subjects that cause dysregulation of glucose uptake by target cell. Ketogenesis is compensation of this condition. The basic of this process is fatty acid
12 March 2012 Comments are off

Hubungan Tahajud dengan Perilaku Merokok pada Mahasiswa

Hubungan Tahajud dengan Perilaku Merokok pada MahasiswaFakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia Abstract: Marker of stress in human could  be seen by increased level of cortisol in the blood. The higher level of stress, the higher cortisol level in the blood. Smoking would accelerate the release of endorphin in the central
12 March 2012 Comments are off

Hubungan Senam Hamil terhadap Lama Persalinan Kala II

Hubungan Senam Hamil terhadap Lama Persalinan Kala IIpada Wanita Primigravida di RSKIA Sadewa Yogyakarta Abstract: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is one indicator to see the health status of women. Figures mortality mother is also one of the set targets in the millenium development goals to 5 of improving maternal health
12 March 2012 Comments are off