Vision and mission & Objectives of the UII Faculty of Medicine


The realization of FK UII as rahmatan lil 'alamin, committed to perfection (excellence), Islamic treatises in the fields of education, research, community service and da'wah, at the same level as qualified medical faculties in developed countries in 2028.


Upholding divine revelation and sunnah of the Prophet as a source of absolute truth and mercy for the universe and supporting the noble and sacred ideals of the Indonesian people in educating the nation's life through efforts to form professional health workers who are pious, have good morals, are skilled, have good knowledge and practice scientific knowledge, develop and spreading science, technology, art with the spirit of Islam, building a just and prosperous society and state of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which are blessed by Allah SWT, as well as exploring, developing, and disseminating understanding of Islamic religious teachings to be internalized and practiced by members of the faculty and society in general.


  1. Form health workers and national leaders who are qualified, beneficial to the community, master Islamic knowledge and are able to apply Islamic values ​​and are highly competitive.
  2. Produce thinkers who can understand the concept of rahmatan lil a'lamin.
  3. Develop and disseminate science, technology, culture, literature and art with an Islamic spirit.
  4. Playing an active role in building a just and prosperous society and state of the Republic of Indonesia and receiving the pleasure of Allah SWT.
  5. Deepen, develop, and disseminate understanding of Islamic religious teachings to be understood, internalized, and practiced by members of the Faculty and the community.

Vision and mission & Aims of the Department of Medicine


The realization of the Department of Medicine as rahmatan lil'alamin which organizes educational, research, community service, and da'wah activities, which are based on Islamic treatises, have a global perspective, and become a national reference in 2028.


  1. Organizing education to produce graduates in the field of medicine that integrate Islamic knowledge, are superior and professional, and have a global orientation.
  2. Carry out research in the development of the latest medical science and technology by prioritizing the benefit of the people.
  3. Carry out community service activities and Islamic da'wah in an effort to disseminate Islamic values ​​through the integration of medical science and practice.


  1. To produce graduates in the field of medicine who integrate Islamic knowledge, are superior and professional, and have a global perspective.
  2. Producing research works and innovations that are useful in the medical field.
  3. Disseminate the results of works and innovations in the field of medicine to improve public health status with an Islamic perspective.

Vision and mission & Objectives of Undergraduate Medical Study Program


Realization of the Medical Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia as rahmatan lil 'alamin, has medical excellence characterized by ulil albab, is committed to scientific treatises in the fields of education, research, community service, and da'wah, on a par with quality medical study programs in developed countries in 2028


  1. Organizing education and teaching to produce graduates with the character of Muslim doctors and have competitiveness at the global level.
  2. Carry out research and community service in an effort to improve public health status.
  3. Carrying out Islamic da'wah through the integration of Islamic values ​​and medical science in order to create a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy society.


  1. To produce medical graduates who are scientific, knowledgeable, and have good morals.
  2. Producing medical graduates who have basic competence as health service providers (care providers), community leaders (community leaders), decision makers (decision makers), managers, and communicators.
  3. To produce medical graduates who have basic competence in medical services at the primary level.
  4. Producing health research and scientific work to support efforts to improve the quality of public health and publications at the national and international levels.

Vision and mission & Doctor Profession Study Objectives


Realization of the Medical Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia as rahmatan lil 'alamin, has medical excellence characterized by ulil albab, is committed to Islamic treatises in the fields of education, research, community service and da'wah, on a par with quality medical study programs in developed countries in 2028.


  1. Organizing education and teaching to produce graduates with the character of Muslim doctors and have competitiveness at the global level.
  2. Carry out research and community service in an effort to improve public health status.
  3. Carrying out Islamic da'wah through the integration of Islamic values ​​and medical science in order to create a healthy society physically, mentally and spiritually.


  1. To produce doctors who are professional, charitable, knowledgeable, and have good morals.
  2. To produce doctors who are capable of acting as health care providers, community leaders, decision makers, managers and communicators.
  3. Producing doctors who are able to provide services at the primary care level.
  4. Producing health research and scientific papers to support efforts to improve the quality of public health and publications at the national and international levels.