Department of Dermatology and Venereology


The Department of Dermatology and Venereology (DV Department) is one of the Departments within the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia. Previously this department was called the Department of Skin and Genital Health Sciences. The DV Department actively carries out dermatology and venereology educational activities at the Bachelor of Medicine Education level and the Professional Education level.

The DV Department is also active in conducting research in the field of dermatology and venerology, both basic research and clinical research. Research is carried out either by the department itself, or in collaboration with other institutions. In addition, community service and da'wah activities are also routinely carried out, either by the department's own staff, or in collaboration with other departments and the professional organization PERDOSKI (Indonesian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologists).

Organizational Structure 

Head of Department:
Dr. Dr. Betty Ekawati Suryaningsih, Sp.KK.

Teaching Staff:                 

Dr. Dr. Rosmelia, M. Kes., Sp.KK.

Quality Goals

  1. Learning quality standards (Education)
    The target indicator for the quality of learning is in the form of a 100% passing grade
  2. Quality standard of service quality (Yield of service)
    Quality target indicators of service quality in the form of a satisfaction level of 85%
  3. Standard quality of facilities quality (Facilities)
    The quality target indicator of facility quality is a satisfaction level of 85%
  4. Governance quality standards
    This governance quality target indicator consists of the average lecturer performance score of 3,5 on a scale of 4


The DV Department of FK UII has 2 staff with Doctoral education. Both are actively involved in activities both in terms of education and research in the environment Universitas Islam Indonesia, as well as various scientific activities and organizations in the field of dermatology and venereology. In addition, the DV Department of FK UII has a network with clinical teaching lecturers at teaching hospitals, which is strengthened by regular monthly meetings and joint research and publication activities.