Cervical Cancer Symptoms and Prevention Vaccines

This article contains about the Symptoms of Cervical Cancer and its Prevention Vaccines which were presented at the Good Life Healthy Solutions Talkshow on UNISI Radio on Monday, 4 July 2022. Cervical cancer is cancer that grows in cells in the cervix. Almost all cases of cervical cancer are caused by the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus). There are hundreds of strains of the HPV virus, but only 14 types get cancer and 70% […]

Increase in Numbers and Findings of Death Messages for Suicide Cases in Yogyakarta during the Pandemic era

By: dr. Niufti Ayu Dewi Mahila M.Sc. Suicide is defined as an intentional attempt to end one's life, from passive thoughts of suicide to actually committing a fatal act. The severity of suicide rates varies, ranging from suicidal ideation, suicide threats, […]

Talkshow Goodlife Insomnia on Behavioral Disorders

Insomnia in Behavioral Disorders dr. Fery Luvita Sari, M.Sc, Sp.N Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, Bhayangkara Hospital Yogyakarta, Griya Mahardhika Hospital Yogyakarta Definition of insomnia: Insomnia is a condition of sleep disorder in which a person has difficulty getting to sleep/sleep onset insomnia or difficulty maintaining sleep/sleep maintenance insomnia, even though he has the opportunity to sleep, he is ready to sleep and has time to [… ]

Talk Show Good Life Healthy Solutions: The Role of the Family in Chronic Disease Management

The Role of the Family in the Management of Joint Chronic Diseases: dr. Yayuk Fathonah, MSc. Efforts to achieve health development priorities in the Healthy Indonesia Program are carried out by utilizing all existing potential, both from the central, provincial, district/city governments, and the community. Health development starts from the smallest unit of society, namely the family. The family is the focus in the approach to implementing the Healthy Indonesia program because […]