Faculty Leader, Department & Programs

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (Period 2023-2027)

Dr. Dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes.
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Erlina Marfianti, M.Sc., Sp.PD.
Vice Dean for Human Resources

Dr. Zainuri Sabta Nugraha, M.Sc
Deputy Dean for Religion, Student Affairs, and Alumni

Dr. Umatul Khoiriyah, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D.
Head of the Department of Medicine

Dr. Dr. Ika Fidianingsih, M.Sc.
Secretary of the Department of Medicine

Dr. Ana Fauziyati, M.Sc., Sp.PD.
Head of the Doctor Profession Study Program

Dr. Pariawan Lutfi Ghazali, M.Kes.
Head of the Medical Study Program – Undergraduate Program

Dr. Dr. Titis Nurmasitoh, M.Sc.
Secretary of the Medical Study Program – Undergraduate Program