Medical School


The realization of the Department of Medicine as rahmatan lil'alamin which organizes education, research, community service, and da'wah activities, which are based on Islamic treatises, have a global perspective, and become a national reference in 2028.


  1. Organizing education to produce graduates in the field of medicine that integrate Islamic knowledge, are superior and professional, and have a global orientation.
  2. Carry out research in the development of the latest medical science and technology by prioritizing the benefit of the people.
  3. Carry out community service activities and Islamic da'wah in an effort to disseminate Islamic values ​​through the integration of medical science and practice.


  1. To produce graduates in the field of medicine who integrate Islamic knowledge, are superior and professional, and have a global perspective.
  2. Producing research works and innovations that are useful in the medical field.
  3. Disseminate the results of works and innovations in the field of medicine to improve public health status with an Islamic perspective