Wasilah Healthy in Reaching Divine Mahabbah

Wasilah Healthy in Reaching Mahabbah Divine

By: Yasfi Suryalfihro Al-Ghozi 20711060

Nabiyyullah Ibrahim alaihi salam earned the title Khalilullah which means lover of Allah. He was given this title because of his struggles from when he was a child who hadcontemplation about monotheism. In the end, little Ibrahim was convinced that the Supreme God is only Allah, not the stars, moon, or sun.

In the period after his second marriage to Siti Hajar, Ismail was born, the precious child he had been waiting for for years. However, the command of Allah SWT. really tested the family of Prophet Ibrahim alaihi salam by traveling from Syam to the barren and uninhabited land of Makkah. We can imagine, traveling as far as 1.500 km without cars and planes. It took days to make the journey. How strong and healthy his body is, and how strong the faith is in his heart.

Prophet Muhammad SAW. in his da'wah struggle to travel from Mecca to Medina by riding a camel in hot days and biting cold nights. His body is strong and can withstand these extreme conditions. With the struggle of God's prophets, we can interpret that God's love is not obtained just by standing idly by. God's love is fought for with maximum effort and this endeavor requires physical and mental endurance to carry out all commands and tests from Him.

However, we still wonder, how does God love His servants? How does God love His chosen servant? The answer lies within hadith following.

From Abi Hurairah, the Prophet saw. said,

إذا أحبَّ الله العبدَ نادى جبريل: إن الله يحبُّ فلانًا فأحبِبْه, فيحبه جبريل, فينادي جبريل في أهل السماء: إن ال God bless you God, God bless you, God bless you

"When Allah loves a servant then He calls Gabriel. Verily, Allah loves Fulan, so love him, so Jibril loves him. Then Jibril called out to the people of the heavens, 'Indeed, Allah loves Fulan, so love him', so the people of the heavens loved him, then (the Fulan) became someone who was accepted on earth." (Reported by Al-Bukhari).

This soul trembles after reading hadith the. Really, how great is the love of Allah SWT. Don't we want to be one of His chosen servants? Be a servant who is loved by Allah SWT. is a blessing, a dark heart will surely be given guidance and mercy.

Endeavor to be a servant who is loved by Allah SWT. requires excellent body condition. A healthy person is certainly easier to perform worship than a sick person. When homeostasis in the body is maintained, energy supply is smooth. Then we will have the energy to work. Work that is intended because of Allah SWT. will get a record of worship by His side. When the bones and muscles function perfectly, then we can stand up prayer pray solemnly every night. When our eyes are healthy, we can read the Al-Quran every Maghrib along with its meaning. When the lungs can exhale and inhale perfectly, the dhikr sentences can come out of our mouths every time. When the digestive organs function perfectly, then we can enjoy the deliciousness of fasting.

This is of course different if we fall sick. The body is limp, the body feels fragile, the legs and arms are like a rope that is powerless. So the invitation to be grateful for health in every opening is not just a formality. but a reminder for ourselves to always take advantage of the health given by Allah SWT. Take advantage of your health before your illness.

If we are looking for motivation to always maintain health, we should remember the following hadith.

O Allah


"A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer,

and in both there is good.” (HR. Muslim)

Hopefully this short article can be useful and increase our faith and piety to Allah SWT. Amen.