Ruqyah Method of Medicine Today?

Ruqyah Method of Medicine Today?

By : Muhammad Zainudin A (177102501)

The perception of the general public about ruqyah therapy is only therapy for magical/mystical disorders, possessed by jinn or things that are occult. Behind that, ruqyah seems to be an alternative medicine for physical ailments besides medical treatment. Not infrequently nowadays ruqyah therapy has begun to be opened in several places and is believed by ordinary people to be a safe method of treatment. Even though population movements and technology are growing, the ruqyah method actually already exists in the texts of the Qur'an, namely in Surah Al Israa' verse 82 which explains the Qur'an as medicine.

Meaning: And We sent down the Qur'an as an antidote and mercy for those who believe and the Qur'an does not add to the wrongdoers other than losses (S. Al Israa': 82)

The hadith qudsi also strengthens the ruqyah treatment method

From Ali bin Abi Talib, he said: Rasulullah SAW. said: "The best treatment is (with) the Qur'an." (Reported by Ibn Majah).

According to Ibnul Qayyim Al Jauziyah, ruqyah therapy is therapy by reciting prayers from both the Qur'an and As-Sunnah to cure a disease. Ruqyah therapy is not limited to jinn disorders, but also includes physical therapy and mental disorders. This ruqyah therapy contains elements of tawassul to Allah through the perfection of rububiyah and His grace that gives healing. Because indeed Allah is the only one who can provide healing.[1] An example of ruqyah therapy carried out by Rasulullah himself was narrated to Sahih Bukhori and Muslim, when visiting his sick family, he rubbed his body with his right hand while saying:

Meaning: O Allah, Lord of all mankind! Take away his pain, give him healing because You are the Healer, there is no healing except because of Your help; healing that is not accompanied by other illnesses (HR Bukhari 535 and Muslim 2191)

A study states that the level of efficacy of ruqyah therapy depends on how far the level of suggestion of one's faith is. [2] The suggestions in question can be achieved by hearing, reading, understanding, contemplating, and implementing the contents of the Qur'an. The influence of ruqyah makes the heart aware of its main function, namely knowing God the Creator. This recognition will raise hope for the cure of the disease he is suffering from, because he already believes in Allah's love for His creatures. Belief in God's mercy, in turn, will strengthen the body's resistance and all body tissues will be stimulated to resist the disease that has befallen them.

Healing is the power of the Creator, as a Muslim servant, when he is tested by illness, he can make an effort or endeavor to get healed. Some ways that can be done are medical treatment, of course it would be better if it was balanced with ruqyah therapy. Ruqyah therapy does not have to be done by visiting places of practice, but can also be done independently at home in accordance with the guidance of the Shari'a.


[1] IQ Al-Jauziyah, AH Al Munawar, and AR Umar, The Prophet's Medicine System: Health and Medicine According to the Instructions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Semarang: Dina Utama, 1994.

[2] S. Qodariah, "The Effect of Ruqyah Syar'iyyah Therapy on Reducing Anxiety Levels," Scientica, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 23–37, 2015.


[1] Etry Novica Kurniasari

[2] Muhammad Zainudin A (177102501)