Message to Leaders: Be Like Rice, The More Submissive the More Filled

Sleman (13/12)- Leadership change in an organization is a continuous process and takes place continuously within a certain period of time following the leadership period. As an effort to strengthen leadership at various levels in the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII), held an FK UII Leadership Workshop with the theme "Imitating the Leadership of the Prophet Muhammad, Becoming a Sincere and Trustworthy Leader" on Monday, 12 December 2022.

The FK UII Leadership Workshop was held online via a zoom meeting by presenting Prof. Dr. Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman. Prof. Abdur Rashid is one of the pioneers of 'Clinic-Scientist' in Malaysia, Consultant Cardiovascular Doctor and Medical Director at An Nur Specialist Hospital, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia and currently also serves as President of the Federal Islamic Medical Association (FIMA).

Dean of FK UII, Dr. dr. In his remarks, Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes, said that in recent times, at FK UII there has been a process of changing leadership at various levels, so there is a need for reinforcement, refreshment and provision. "We are people who have been given the mandate to be a driving force for friends at FK UII, before we go too far, we want to be strengthened, according to the theme of this workshop, namely how in the future we can emulate Rasulullah SAW as a trustee. ”, said Dr. Isnatin.

Dean of FK UII, Dr. dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes when delivering his remarks

Dr. Isnatin added that every trust, no matter how small, will be held accountable, so that through this workshop forum it is hoped that it can be used to straighten intentions and direct all endeavors and actions taken to earn the pleasure of Allah SWT.

Starting his presentation in this workshop, Prof. Abdul Rasyid conveyed a hadith about the importance of leadership, namely narrated by Abu Hurairah Radhiallahu Anhu that Rasulullah SAW said: "When three people are in a state of travellers, let them appoint one of them to be the leader of the group" (HR. Abu Daud).

Prof. further Abdul Rasyid argues that leadership is a process that involves social influence when a person is able to get help and support from others to carry out a mutually agreed task towards an agreed goal.

Leadership is a test. The real character of a person will be seen when he is given power, as Abraham Lincoln quote, "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to rest a man's character, give him power“. So, the message Prof. Abdul Rasyid quotes a saying, "Be like rice, the more submissive the more contained, the more knowledgeable, the more humble. Don't be like the weeds, getting taller and taller.

Material presentation by Prof. Abdul Rashid

Prof. Abdul Rasyid gave an example of superior leadership, namely the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Prophet Muhammad SAW is the best example for the universe in all aspects of life, including in leading humans, successfully bringing about amazing transformations from the land of the Hijaz to the Arabian peninsula, to the east and west to the whole of nature.

“Western writer Michael H. Hart in 1992 placed the Prophet Muhammad SAW as the number 1 leader in the Top 100 Most Influential People. Then John Adair, World First Leadership Professor in 2010 in Introduction, Leadership of Muhammad wrote that Rasulullah is the ideal leader”, Prof. Abdul Rashid added.

The Prophet as a superior leader, as stated in the Al-Qur'an QS. Al Ahzab: 21, "Indeed, there has been in (self) the Messenger of Allah a good role model for you (namely) for those who hope (the pleasure of) Allah and (the arrival of) the Day of Judgment and who remember Allah a lot." (Jo)