Bali, 8 March 2023. The skyrocketing population growth and social development catalyzed by the industrial revolution 4.0 "in fact" lately, it turns out that it is not directly proportional to the understanding and awareness and actions for environmental sustainability. This creates the impression that the environment is an object that is sacrificed for the sake of fulfilling the needs of the population and the advancement of a society. In fact, in reality, it seems clear that between humans and the environment there is a reciprocal relationship, both of which are closely correlated and have a major impact on one another.

Allah Subhanahu wata'ala in the Qur'an it has been said that everything that He has created has value because it was created for certain purposes 'without evil' (QS Ali-Imran: 191), but with 'Haqq' (QS al-Hijr: 85). Allah, the Supreme Creator created the universe and the living environment to show signs of His power and as manifestations al-asma al-Husna. According to one Muslim scholar, the medieval Koran scholar, Raghib al-Isfahany (d. 1108) prospered the earth in Islam inherent with one's faith. Still according to him, the duty of a believer's faith is manifested into three main obligations: first to prosper the earth, "was ta'marakum fiha"(QS Hud: 61), the second performs worship mahdhah "Wea ma khalaqtu al-Jinn wa al-ins illa liya'buduni"(QS ad-Dzariyat: 56), the three khilafa on earth"wayastakhlifakum fi al-Ardl” (QS al-A'raf: 129), (al-Isfahany, ad-Dzari'ah ila Makarim as-Syar'iah, p. 165). According to al-Isfahany, the two religious obligations are closely related to protecting the environment. From this statement it is clear that one's faith should be directly proportional to the activity of protecting the environment. Meanwhile, activities that destroy the environment seem to have become a big sin in the practice of a believer.

In this regard, we can find in a hadith, Rasulullah sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said, "If the food of one of you falls, it should be picked up and removed the dirt attached to it, then it should be eaten and not left for satan." Or in another history it is said that, "Surely the devil is with you in all circumstances, to the extent that the devil is with you when you eat. Therefore, if your food falls on the floor, it should be washed off and then eaten and not left to the devil. When you have finished eating, you should lick your fingers because you don't know where the blessing will be in the food." This hadith shows us in addition to how perfect Islamic teachings are because Islam does not only talk about religious dogmas, divine information, economic rules, politics, military, mahdhah worship (rituals), but on matters of environmental sustainability. One of the real forms of protecting the environment is waste management. Handling waste properly is one way to prevent environmental damage. If we go back to reading the history of Indonesia, there was once a terrible tragedy related to waste, namely the Leuwigajah tragedy in 1. During the tragedy in Cimahi in 2005, there was an avalanche of waste that caused 2005 deaths. Apart from that, the incident also destroyed 157 settlements, Cilimus Village and Corner Village. Also from this incident, we can learn that waste management that is not scientifically based has the potential to cause damage or in other words unscientific charity.

The need for a scientific forum that encourages and supports the scientific, sustainable, integrated and applicable management of waste or waste throughout the world is the background for the holding of this forum. International Waste Working Group – Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB). This goal can be achieved by learning from the past, analyzing the present and thereby developing new ideas, scenarios and visions for the future. A large amount of good experience gained worldwide and scientifically proven was disseminated in the forum. It is also expected to influence legislation, education or practical applications around the world and move towards the development of more rational appropriate technologies in waste management. With that aim, IWWG understood as a movement based on scientific principles but oriented towards direct application in society. Besides that, IWWG having a non-bureaucratic organization that allows to focus on a wide range of subjects, react promptly to relevant issues in the waste/solid waste management field, and communicate effectively within the professional community. Obtained the mandate to organize the 5th symposium forum International Waste Working Group – Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB) in Bali on March 6-8 2023, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), together with Udayana University, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) invites all researchers in Asia, especially waste management experts, to actively participate in the 5th Symposium International Waste Working Group – Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB) in the form of oral presentation and poster presentation.

dr. Yaltafit Abror Jeem presented the research results

In line with this, the UII Faculty of Medicine, as part of the Muslim intellectual community that has "concert" on environmental sustainability sent one of its lecturers to actively participate in the forum. “Themed meeting “Solid Waste Technology And Management Challenges In Post COVID-19 And Plastics Treaty”  was held as a form of real contribution and commitment from ITB, UII and ITS in world environmental sustainability, especially the development of solid waste management technology from various parts of the world” This was conveyed by Yaltafit Abror Jeem, Lecturer in the Medical Education Study Program, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, who became FK UII's delegate in the forum. In addition, dr. Yaltafit Abror Jeem presented two research results entitled "An Overview of Solid Medical Waste Management by Private Practice Doctors in the Pandemic COVID-19 Era" And “A scoping review of how primary health care handles the management of solid health care waste during and after the COVID-19 pandemic” in the form of a presentation oral presentations. Doctor Jeem, that's how Dr. Yaltafit Abror Jeem said that based on his research findings, it was recommended to relevant stakeholders to increase the knowledge and skills of doctors working in primary-level health facilities in managing medical waste which has a major impact on the sustainability of not only the environment but also public health. Apart from that, Doctor Jeem also conveyed the need for a special institution or special forum that is active in monitoring and evaluating the contribution of the medical community in handling medical waste and giving appreciation to those who excel in their active role in protecting the environment. After participating in this symposium, doctor jeem hopes to be able to do 'jariyah' and develop various knowledge and 'insights' that has been obtained in increasing FK UII's real contribution to environmental sustainability. Waallahu musta'an. Wibowo/Tri

Doctor Jeem delivers research results