There are many benefits to clamping your mouth, according to the teachings of the prophet as well as the latest research

There are many benefits to clamping your mouth, according to the teachings of the prophet as well as the latest research

By: Zulfania Rahmah – 19711112

Eating is one of the needs of every living thing, apart from being a source of energy to carry out daily activities, food functions to maintain homeostasis in the body, because some important substances in the body cannot be produced by humans and to get them we are required to consume food. source of these nutrients. Even though eating is a necessity for humans and there are many benefits, of course in our daily life we ​​need to control the amount of food intake needed by the body.

At present there is a well-known disease called obesity where this disease is known for "too much to eat", this of course raises questions for many people because many people in Indonesia and in the world suffer from this disease and this disease is often a risk factor for deadly diseases. These include diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease. Then actually, how do we control food intake for our bodies to avoid the diseases above?

According to Kiran K. Panuganti, Minhthao Nguyen, and Ravi K. Kshirsagar in his book which discusses obesity, explains that obesity occurs due to an imbalance between the amount of daily energy intake and activities carried out daily, as a result of this imbalance, fat deposits are created in the body because continuous storage of energy in the body, from this explanation it can be seen that to avoid obesity we need to regulate our food intake figures, by limiting sugar intake, and measuring the amount of daily nutritional needs which we then apply to the food we will consume, that way we will avoid obesity.

Islam also teaches us to always not overdo it in consuming food, Rasulullah SAW. said, "The son of Adam does not fill a place worse than his stomach. It is enough for them a few mouthfuls to keep their bodies functioning. If no other way is found, then (he can fill his stomach) with one third for food, one third for drink, and one third for breathing” (HR Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban). In this hadith it is clearly known that our recommendation is not to overdo it in consuming food so that we always avoid the bad things from the dangers of excess.


Panuganti KK, Nguyen M, Kshirsagar RK. Obesity. [Updated 2021 Aug 11]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: