Maintain Physical and Spiritual Health

By : Marlina Anggraeni – 151002225

Health is the most valuable thing in this life. Health cannot be exchanged for anything including wealth and wealth. Health is divided into two, namely physical and spiritual health. Both are interrelated and must be balanced. So, how do you maintain physical and spiritual health?

1. Maintain physical health

"A strong believer is better and more loved by Allah than a weak believer and in both there is goodness." HR. Muslim

From this hadith it is clear that Allah's love for His creatures varies, including those who are strong than those who are weak. Maintaining physical health so that the body becomes stronger and solely to get closer to Allah, because with good health we can be more optimal in carrying out our duties and obligations as servants of Allah. The trick is to keep the food and drink that enters our body, exercise diligently and always maintain cleanliness.

  • Food and drink that enters our body must be halal, namely food obtained in a lawful way and processed according to Islamic law. As the word of God which means

"And eat of what Allah has given you as lawful and good sustenance, and put your trust in Allah in whom you believe" (QS. Al-Maidah: 88)

In addition, food must also contain nutrients that are beneficial to the body. The cleanliness of the food we are going to cook must be a serious concern, such as always washing food properly and separating food that is easily contaminated with bacteria and viruses.

  • Regular exercise really helps us to feel healthy and fit. Exercise can be done in many ways. The sports recommended by the Prophet were swimming, archery and horse riding as the hadith mentions, from Jabir bun Abdillah, that the Prophet said

"Everything that does not contain dhikrullah is an act in vain, joking and playing. Except for four cases, namely the husband and wife joking around, training horses, practicing archery and swimming.

- During this time of pandemic, maintaining cleanliness of the body and environment is mandatory in order to stop the spread of the covid-19 virus. The trick is to diligently wash your hands, take a clean bath, often change into clean clothes, etc. We must do this to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Maintaining physical health must also be accompanied by adequate and regular rest.

2. Maintain Spiritual Health

Maintaining spiritual health can be done with obligatory prayers at the beginning of time, increasing reading of the Koran and stories of prophets and messengers. Increase gratitude for all the gifts of Allah SWT that has been given and ask for forgiveness for all mistakes and shortcomings. Maintaining spiritual health can also be done by increasing hospitality, and blessing. In rihlah aims to produce the goodness of the world and the hereafter. So it is not only pleasure that is obtained from rihlah but also getting rewards from Allah SWT. Small examples of rihlah are traveling to earn sustenance, studying knowledge, performing Hajj and Umrah, visiting sick friends, recreation and so on. All these activities are worth worship if our goal is to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT. With joy our hearts and minds will become calmer and can relieve stress.

May Allah SWT always take care of our health both physically and spiritually Aamiin.