Benefits of Hijab for Skin Health

Benefits of Hijab for Skin Health

dr. Niufti Ayu Dewi Mahila, M.Sc., Sp.FM

Department of Bioethics and Islamic Law

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia

The use of the headscarf for every Muslim woman is obligatory, as commanded by Allah SWT, in QS. Al-A'raf 26 "O children of Adam, indeed we have prepared clothes to cover your nakedness and for jewelry for you. But the clothes of piety are the best. Thus as a sign of Allah's power, make it easy for them to remember." and in QS. Al Ahzab 59 “O Prophet, tell your wives, daughters and the wives of the believers. "Let them extend their headscarves all over their bodies", that is so that they are easier to recognize, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Al-Qur'an Ministry of Religion RI, 2023).

Apart from aiming to cover the nakedness and protect oneself, wearing the hijab also has several health benefits, including avoiding sunburn, the hijab is considered to be able to protect the skin from direct sunlight so that when used properly it can minimize the risk of contracting several diseases and disorders of the skin (health doctor of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health, 2023).

There are several skin disorders or diseases that can be caused by stings or direct sun exposure, such as:

  1. Sunburn

Is an acute inflammatory reaction of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, peritema (redness) of the skin with a history of direct sun exposure, the main symptom begins with redness (erythema), then followed by varying degrees of pain and severity which are directly proportional to the duration and intensity of exposure (Roy and Zakiah, 2018).

Exposure to UV radiation is also considered to have the potential to be a risk factor for skin cancer (Krisnayanti et al., 2021).

  1. Melasma

It is the most common hypermelanosis disease and is usually found most often on the parts of the face that are most often exposed to sunlight. Based on several studies on the process of occurrence of melasma, the results show that exposure to UV radiation from the sun can cause the risk of developing melasma (Setyawati et al., 2019).

To avoid and minimize the risk factors for skin disorders or diseases, it is recommended that every Muslim woman wear the hijab according to what has been stated in the Qur'an and can use additional protection such as long clothes, sunscreen and carry out routine skin care and perform Consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of these disorders.

Allah SWT has ordered his servants to obey and comply with all the commands and prohibitions that have been stated in the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith so that it is for good in this world and in the hereafter.

Reference :

Al-Qur'an Online. 2023. Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.

Krisnayanti, putu mega. Utami, brother of light. Yanti, Ni Putu Emy Darma. 2021. An overview of the knowledge and behavior of preventing sunburn in children from foreign tourists in the North Kuta area, Badung regency. Community of Publishing In Nursing (COPING), p-ISSN 2303-1298, e-ISSN 2715-1980.

Noramdani, Muhammad. 2023. Using the hijab turns out to be healthy. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.

Roy, Ren. Zakiah O, Rasmi. 2018. Management and prevention of sunburn complications in people at risk of prolonged sun exposure. J Agromedicine volume 5 number 1.

Setyawati, Ni Kadek. Indira, I Gusti Ayu Agung Elis. Puspawati, Ni Made Dwi. 2019. Incidence and profile of melasma at Sanglah Central General Hospital, Denpasar, January 2014 to December 2014. E-Jurnal Medika, Vol.8 No.2 February.