Increase in Numbers and Findings of Death Messages for Suicide Cases in Yogyakarta during the Pandemic era

By: dr. Niufti Ayu Dewi Mahila M.Sc.


Suicide is defined as an intentional attempt to end one's life, from passive thoughts of suicide to actually committing a fatal act.

The severity of suicide rates varies, from ideation to suicide
self-esteem, threats of suicide, attempted suicide, and committing suicide (Rathus and Miller, 2002; Pelkonen and Marttunen, 2003; Orden et al., 2011).

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) says that suicidal behavior is a form of individual action by killing himself and most often occurs due to pressure, depression or other mental illness (Idham, 2019).

Suicide is a health problem that is a major concern in many countries
especially in the group of children and middle age (Wasserman et al. 2005).

Suicide is a global health problem and ranks as the second most common cause of death in the 15-29 year age group in the world (Rosemary, et al.).

78% of all suicides in 2016 occurred in low and middle income countries (WHO).

In Indonesia Since 2014-2019 Suicide Mortality Rate = 2,4 per 100.000 population. (Worldbank), Year 2020, Suicide Mortality Rate = 3,4 per 100.000 Population. (Researchgate).

In Yogyakarta, there were 29 cases of suicide in 2020 and there has been an increase to 37 cases of suicide by hanging, and one case by drinking poison, so there are a total of 38 cases in 2021. (Head of Sub-division of Public Relations of the Gunungkidul Police, Iptu Suryanto, 2021).

7 cases (2019), 7 cases (2020), 8 cases (2021), (2 cases) early 2022, which were examined at the Forensic Section of a hospital in Yogyakarta.

The methods of suicide that are usually used are Hanging Yourself, Ingesting Poison, Traffic Accidents, Injuring yourself

According to Dukheim, there are 3 factors that cause suicide, namely, Obligation (Tradition) "in ancient India = Wives must die with their husbands", Community support, Problems. Meanwhile, according to Hermin Mallo et al. there are 3 problems that can be the cause of suicide, namely, depression, self-concept and relationships with family.

There are several danger signs of suicide that must be watched out for, namely, planning (time, place and method), death threats/messages to people around and suicide attempts/ Parasuicide (non-fatal wound, seek attention). (Rathus and Miller, 2002; Pelkonen and Marttunen, 2003; Orden et al., 2011).

The results of the TKP (crime scene) findings and external examination of the bodies of several victims of suspected suicide, there were implied or explicit victims' "Death Messages", including the finding of a letter from the victim placed on the victim's study table containing an apology to the family because he had to take the path of ending his life because he felt useless and failed to make his family happy, then in another case a shallow open wound (sayat) was found that formed the "name" of the person he loved but did not return the victim's love (rejected by a friend of the opposite sex).

Many of the implied death messages are known or acknowledged by the closest family members after the incident, the family or the person closest to the victim will tell that a few days or time before the victim died, the victim told about the burdens of life or the problems he was experiencing and felt so heavy that they were considered unacceptable. There is no other way but to "die".

The Covid-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing today, has actually contributed to suicide cases in Yogyakarta and even in Indonesia, economic factors and educational access factors which are suspected to be the most common cause of suicides in the pandemic era, this assumption was taken from the findings of TKP or from family anamnesis data and those closest to the victim.