UII Hospital and Medicine Hold Seminar on Child Emergencies


Bantul (UII News) – In order to provide the latest management of child emergencies, the Department of Pediatrics (IKA) of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) in collaboration with the Hospital Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII Hospital) held seminars and workshops with the theme "Update of Emergency Management and Neonatal Resuscitation".

This was conveyed by dr. Tien Budi F, M.Sc, Sp.A from the IKA Department FK UII, as the organizer of the event which was held on Saturday-Sunday, 3-4 Robi'ul Akhir 1441 H / 30 November - 01 December 2019 at the Hospital (RS ) Universitas Islam Indonesia, Wijirejo, Pandak, Bantul, DI Yogyakarta.

according to dr. Tien Budi F, M.Sc, Sp.A the purpose of learning from this seminar is to provide participants with an understanding of the components in Pediatric Assessment Triangle (PAT) and Pediatric Primary Survey, so that later the participants will be able to discuss the difficulties in interpreting vital signs in children compared to adults.

"Apart from that, participants can also learn to detect abnormalities in a child's clinical appearance in order to detect an emergency," said FK UII Lecturer, dr. Tien Budi F, M.Sc, Sp.A

It was further explained that the seminar on the first day which was attended by a number of local nurses and medical practitioners, junior doctors, general practitioners, and specialists was divided into 3 sessions. The first session was opened directly by moderator dr. Dina Esti Utami Sp.KK. The topics presented included Management of Anaphylactic Reactions (dr. Cahya Dewi Satria, Sp.A(K), M.Kes), Management Update of SSJ/TEN (Dr. dr. Betty Ekawati Suryanigsih Sp.KK), as well as Management Nursing and Physical Assessment of Emergency Setting (Dr. Christantie Effendy, S.Kp, M.Kes).

The second session was hosted by moderator dr. Miranti Dewi P., M.Sc with the topic Recognizing Signs of Emergency in Pediatric Patients (dr. Elisa, Sp.A(K)), Updates on Management of Seizures in Children (dr. Agung Triono, Sp.A(K)) and Updates on Resuscitation Management Neonates (dr. Tien Budi Febriani, M.Sc, Sp.A).

The last session was hosted by moderator dr. Muhammad Yusuf Hisyam, Sp.A with the topics presented included Update on Emergency Comprehensive Management and Resuscitation of Hypovolemic Shock in Adults (Dr. Med. Dr. Untung Widodo, Sp.An, KIC), Update on Comprehensive Emergency Management of Burns in Children ( dr. Rosadi Seswandhana, Sp.B, Sp.BP-RE(K)), and Update Management of Code Blue and EWS (dr. Bowo Adiyanto, Sp.An). This session ended with a quiz which was won by 3 participants with the correct and fastest answers via the kahoot site.

The workshop which was held the following day, raised 3 titles namely Adult Emergency Resuscitation, Physical Assessment of Cardiovascular Emergency Setting, Basic Management of Neonatal Resuscitation, and Traige Officer, EWS, Non Invasive Haemodynamic Monitoring Early Warning System.

"With this workshop, participants are trained directly and can experience practices that are similar to real conditions," explained Dr. Tien Budi F, M.Sc, Sp.A. Wibowo