By: 16711125-Fauziyah Ulfatun Ni'mah

Performing ablution is not only an effort to wet the limbs, but the essence of ablution is to make one's self pure and clean from all stains, both physical and mental. Washing the nose or according to Islam is known as istinsyaq and overview, is part of the ablution process performed by Muslims. Istinsyaq is the process of inhaling water to enter the nasal cavity, meanwhile overview is the process of removing water from the nasal cavity. The hadith regarding washing the nose includes: "Perfect in ablution, wipe between the fingers and beristsyaq (suck water into the nose deeply) unless you are fasting" (Reported by Ahmad, Ibnu Majah, An-NasaI, and At-Tirmidhi )

Based on HR. Bukhari 3052, from Abu Hurairah RA, from the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "If he wakes up, he thinks he is saying: one of you from his sleep and then he performs ablution, then he should put water in his nose and spit it out three times, because verily the devil sleeps in that person's nostrils." The process of ablution is often found fault with some people. Supposedly, the process is done by inhaling water up to the upper limit of the nose, but some people only put their fingers in their nose or wipe the tip of their nose. In fact, nasal washing can be a simple therapy to treat upper airway inflammation.

Nasal washing or nasal irrigation has a mechanical mechanism in cleaning the nasal mucosa from thick secretions, eliminating antigens and inflammatory mediators such as histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes which cause allergic reactions in the upper respiratory tract (Georgitis, 1994; Yanti et al. 2021). The liquid chemically also has an antiviral effect by inducing damage to the virus cell wall thereby preventing inflammation. During infection, there is mucociliary dysfunction and mucus stasis, so nasal washing helps improve the mucociliary function of the nasal and sinus mucosa (Yanti et al. 2021; Satdhabudha & Poachanukoon, 2012). Fluids that are often used for washing the nose are 0,9% normal saline and 1,5% -3% hypertonic saline. The practice of washing the nose can be done during ablution or outside of ablution activities, namely by using a syringe to spray water into the nose. This nose wash is indicated especially for someone with upper respiratory tract infections, chronic rhinosinusitis, and allergic rhinitis, as well as as an effort to treat and prevent upper respiratory tract infections, especially in children (Principi & Esposito, 2017). Implementation of nasal washing activities or istinsyaq and overview Besides being a sunnah, it turns out to have substantial benefits for the health of the respiratory tract.


  1. Georgitis, JW 1994. Nasal hyperthermia and simple irrigation for perennial rhinitis: Changes in inflammatory mediators. Chest, 106, 1487–1492.
  2. Principi, N., Esposito, S. Nasal Irrigation: An Imprecisely Defined Medical Procedure. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 May 11;14(5):516. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14050516. PMID: 28492494; PMCID: PMC5451967.
  3. Satdhabudha A, Poachanukoon O. 2012. Efficacy of buffered hypertonic saline nasal irrigation in children with symptomatic allergic rhinitis: A randomized double-blind study. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology; (76): 583-8
  4. Yanti, B., Maulana, I., Sofiana, D., Sufani, L., Jannah, N. 2021. Nasal rinse and gargling as an effort in preventing COVID-19 infection with Islamic approach-a literature review. Bali Medical Journal 10(2): 503-506. DOI: 10.15562/ bmj.v10i2.2397