FK UII Receives Study Visit from Delegation from the Kingdom of Cambodia

Photo: Souvenir Exchange between FK UII and the Delegation from the Kingdom of Cambodia

Yogyakarta (22/11)– A delegation from the Kingdom of Cambodia visited the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) on Monday (20/11). 15 delegates consisting of representatives of the medical professional competency examination committee, SPESHPUniversity of Health Sciences, and some training center in Cambodia, welcomed by the Dean of the UII Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes at the Faculty of Medicine Auditorium, UII Integrated Campus.

The Faculty of Medicine, UII, is considered to have good practices in implementing professional competency tests for doctors in Indonesia, so it was chosen by the National Committee for Student Competency Tests for the Medical Professional Program (PNUKMPPD) as the location. study visits.

The Delegation of the National Medical Professional Examination Development Team from the Kingdom of Cambodia, has a project to build and implement the OSCE competency examination as exit exams in his country. So, the delegates wanted to see the details of OSCE implementation at FK UII, starting from technical matters, availability of infrastructure, participant practice, to examiners. Apart from carrying out OSCE observations, the delegation also saw the facilities owned by FK UII regarding the implementation of the CBT exam in the FK UII Computer Laboratory. A discussion room was also opened to provide detailed explanations regarding the system and other technical matters.

Through the PNUKMPPD representative, dr. Yeny Dyah Cahyaningrum, M.Med.Ed, conveyed the impression of the Cambodian Kingdom delegation regarding the warm welcome given by FK UII. "Because they were well received, the delegates felt comfortable discussing and observing things needed in the implementation of competency tests in Cambodia later. "UII is also considered a private institution that has good practices and adequate facilities in carrying out competency tests," said Dr. Yeny. (DDR/Jo)