DR. Med. dr. Fortunately Widodo, Sp.An., KIC delivered material about Airway Intervention & Management in Emergencies

Yogyakarta – FK UII (07/08) – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) is again holding a national continuing medical education (CME) scientific seminar as a vehicle for refreshing knowledge for doctors and students. The CME event this time is titled CITO! Clinical Current Update Symposium on Emergency Medicine: “The Role of Medical Practitioner”, was held on Sunday (07/08) at The Alana Hotel Mataram City International Convention Center Yogyakarta. This activity presented 8 experts in the fields of anesthesia, pediatrics, nerves, internal medicine, obstetric-gynecology, and Islamic perspective, and was attended by more than 550 participants from both inside and outside the city of Yogyakarta.

The experts who became presenters in this event included dr. Bambang Suryono Suwondo, Sp.An., KIC, M.Kes, KNA, KOA (Integrated Diagnostic & Treatment of Shock), DR. Med. dr. Untung Widodo, Sp.An., KIC (Airway Intervention & Management in Emergencies), Dr. R. Detty Siti Nurdiati, MPH, PhD, Sp.OG (K) (Prevention & Management to Reduce Maternal Mortality Rate in Hypertension and Preeclampsia in Pregnancy), Prof. Dr. Dr. Elisabeth Siti Herini, Sp.A (K) (Current Guidelines for Management of Seizures in Pediatrics), Prof. Dr. H. Barmawi Hisyam, Sp.PD-KP (Management of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), Prof. Dr. dr. H. Rusdi Lamsudin,, Sp. S (K) (Current Update in Stroke Management: the New Guidelines for Ischemic & Intra Cerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke), dr. Hemi Sinorita, Sp.PD-KEMD (Current Update of Diabetic Emergency: Management of Hypoglycemia, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State, and Diabetic Coma), and DR. dr. Sagiran, M.Kes., Sp.B (Islamic Perspective in Emergency Situations & Euthanasia).


dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK as Dean of FK UII and dr. Abdul Basith as Head of the CME Unit in his speech hoped that this CME activity would be able to contribute to strengthening the competence of doctors in handling emergency cases so that later it could improve the quality of service for the wider community. Meanwhile, one of the speakers, dr. Bambang Suryono, reminded the participants that the success of handling emergency cases is very much determined by the speed of helpers in analyzing the causes. "So it is important for doctors to be able to immediately analyze and diagnose emergency cases so that they can take action immediately live saving appropriate” ordered dr. Bambang. DSH/Tri