The Dynamics of Professional Education for Doctors is Very High, it needs more Intensive Collaboration

Photo with workshop participants

Sleman (28/11)- Innovation (advantage) is one of the values ​​(value) Universitas Islam Indonesia which is acronymized in VIP (Value-Innovation-Perfection). In order to realize the achievement of the value of excellence, it is necessary to look far ahead, continue to learn, implement and teach things of value and make continuous improvements (continuous improvement).

In order to evaluate for continuous improvement, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) held a Professional Education Evaluation workshop with the theme "Growing and Synergizing for Excellent Medical Professional Education" hybrid (offline and online) on 26-27 November 2022, at Prime Plaza Hotel, Yogyakarta.

The 2022 professional education evaluation workshop was attended by Faculty Advisors (DPF) and Clinical Advisors (DPK) from the FK UII network hospital, the main FK UII teaching hospital, RSUD dr. Soedono Madiun, and FK UII satellite hospitals, namely: RSUD dr. Soedirman Kebumen, Wonosari Hospital, dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen, Ghrasia Yogyakarta Hospital, BHayangkara Hospital Yogyakarta, dr. Soeroto Ngawi, RSJD dr. RM Soedjarwadi Klaten, RSIY PDHI Yogyakarta, RSUD dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri, dr. Moewardi Surakarta, and UII Hospital.

Dean of FK UII, Dr. dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes (left) and UII Deputy Chancellor for Academic Development & Research, Prof. Dr. Jaka Nugraha, S.Si, M.Sc. (right) giving a speech

Dean of FK UII, Dr. dr. In his speech, Isnatin Miladiyah, M.Kes, said that the professional education evaluation activity is a routine agenda used to carry out an overall evaluation of professional education that has been running for the last one year. "The dynamics of professional education are very high, including the SKB of two ministers related to the acceleration of graduates of doctors and specialists, which has implications for many things, there must be more intensive collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine, the Health Service, and hospitals that become teaching hospitals," said Dr. Isnatin.

Dr. Isnatin added that in serving the community, collaboration needs to be prioritized because service depends on policies made by the government, hospitals and educational institutions that will produce medical graduates.

Meanwhile in his remarks, Deputy Chancellor for Academic Development & Research at UII, Prof. Dr. Jaka Nugraha, S.Si, M.Sc. revealed that the educational process at the Faculty of Medicine is a reference for other study programs, the management is excellent, one of which is consistently evaluating learning. Prof. Jaka Nugraha also gave his highest appreciation to managers, directors of partner hospitals, teaching doctors in the UII FK medical education professional program who have taken the time to contribute their thoughts and experiences in evaluating education.
"This evaluation is not only limited to photographing what has been done and what the results are like, but will also look at the dynamics of management of medical education in Indonesia which needs to get a good response so that education continues to run on the right corridor to produce quality doctors," said Prof. Jaka Nugraha.

Submission of material by Dr. dr. Afif Nurul Hidayati, SpKK(K), FINS-DV, FAADV

Submission of material by dr. Linda Rosita, Sp. PK(K)

The workshop continued with presentation of session 1 material delivered by Dr. dr. Afif Nurul Hidayati, SpKK(K), FINS-DV, FAADV who presented material about Implementation of Interprofessional Education (IPE) in Teaching Hospital and materials on the Latest Regulations for Medical Education and Teaching Hospitals by dr. Linda Rosita, Sp. PK(K). Session 2 of the workshop was filled by dr. Umatul Khoiriyah, M.Med.Ed, Ph.D delivered material on the Evaluation of the Doctor's Profession Learning for the August 2021-2022 period, and was continued by dr. Tjahjo Winantyo, Sp.B, M.MKes with material on Accreditation Evaluation of Education Hospitals.

Furthermore, in session 3, material presentation on Ideal Clinical Guidance by Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed, Sp.OG, Ph.D. Meanwhile, the presentation of the material in session 4 (last session) was delivered by dr. R Detty Siti Nurdiati Z, MPH, Ph.D, Sp.OG (K) regarding Research Methodology in Hospital Clinical Settings, and regarding Scientific Publications in the form of Case Reports in National and International Journals by dr. Gunadi, Ph.D, Sp.BA. (Jo)