FK UII Raih Juara I Nasional Video Edukasi di Jakarta


[:id]berita MAJESTY

 JAKARTA (Ath-Thib) – Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) terus mengukir prestasi ilmiah di tingkat nasional. Pada event Muhammadiyah Jakarta Scientific Competition (MAJESTY) 2018 yang berlangsung pada tgl 26-28 Juli 2018 di Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta (FKK UMJ), delegasi FK UII yang beranggotakan Naufal Abdurrahman, Alfian Novanda Yosanti, dan Dodi Faras Ilmiawan Sutomo berhasil meraih gelar Juara I Lomba Video Edukasi.

MAJESTY 2018 merupakan event ilmiah yang ditujukan untuk mahasiswa rumpun kesehatan dan kedokteran di seluruh indonesia. Kegiatan tersebut diselenggarakan oleh Muhammadiyah Medical Researcher Community (M2RC) FKK UMJ. Tahun ini, MAJESTY mengambil tema “Expanding The Possibilities of Women’s Health Care” dan diikuti oleh 101 peserta yang terbagi dalam 37 tim finalis dari 21 universitas di seluruh Indonesia. MAJESTY 2018 mempertandingkan lima cabang lomba, yaitu: Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Poster Ilmiah, Poster Publik, Esai Ilmiah dan Video Edukasi.

Para finalis yang bertanding di Jakarta merupakan peserta yang telah lolos seleksi tahap pertama, di mana hanya diambil lima sampai tujuh tim sebagai finalis per cabang lomba untuk mempresentasikan karya di depan dewan juri sekaligus menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan kepada mereka. Persaingan di antara para finalis sangat ketat karena mereka juga berasal dari berbagai FK ternama di Indonesia, seperti Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, dan sebagainya.

Pada kesempatan kali ini tim FK UII membuat video edukasi tentang deteksi dini kanker serviks. Hal tersebut dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta makin tingginya angka kejadian dan kematian akibat kanker serviks di dunia maupun Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu media edukasi yang menarik, edukatif, dan dapat memberikan pengaruh kepada masyarakat khususnya wanita Indonesia untuk peduli akan bahaya kanker serviks.

“Pada intinya melalui video tersebut kami ingin mengedukasi wanita Indonesia tentang bahaya kanker serviks sekaligus menggambarkan bagaimana deteksi dininya. Kami juga mengajak para wanita untuk melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan pap Smear atau IVA,” jelas Dodi, salah satu anggota Tim Video Edukasi. (dsh/tri)[:en]berita MAJESTY

Alfian Novanda Yosanti, Naufal Abdurrahman, and Dodi Faras Ilmiawan Sutomo took a photo with the First Place trophy of Educational Video Competition in MAJESTY 2018.

[photo source]



JAKARTA (Ath-Thib) – Faculty of Medicine’s students of Universitas Islam Indonesia (FM UII) kept engraving the scientific achievements on the national level. On the event of Muhammadiyah Jakarta Scientific Competition (MAJESTY) 2018 which took place on July 26 – 28, 2018 at the Faculty of Medicine and Health, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta (FMH UMJ), the FM UII delegation consisting of Naufal Abdurrahman, Alfian Novanda Yosanti and Dodi Faras Ilmiawan Sutomo succeeded in winning the 1st place in Educational Video Competition.

MAJESTY 2018 is a scientific event held for students of health and medicine groups throughout Indonesia. The activity was organized by Muhammadiyah Medical Researcher Community (M2RC) FKK UMJ. This year, MAJESTY presented the theme “Expanding the Possibilities of Women’s Health Care” and this event was attended by 101 participants divided into 37 finalist teams from 21 universities throughout Indonesia. MAJESTY 2018 organized five branches of competition, namely: Scientific Writing, Scientific Poster, Public Poster, Scientific Essay and Educational Video.

The finalists competing in Jakarta were the participants who had passed the first stage of the selection, where only five to seven teams were selected as finalists for each competition branch. The participants presented their work in front of the jury and also answered the questions given to them. The competition among the finalists was very tight because they came from various well-known FMs in Indonesia, such as University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, and many more.

On this occasion, the FM UII team created an educational video about early detection of cervical cancer. This was motivated by the fact that the number of cases and deaths from cervical cancer in the world and Indonesia was increasing. About that, it is needed an educational media which is interesting, educational, and it can influence the community, especially Indonesian women, to care about the dangers of cervical cancer.

“Basically, through this video, we want to educate Indonesian women about the dangers of cervical cancer and describe how it is detected. We also invite the women to do early detection of cervical cancer with Pap Smear or IVA,” explained Dodi, a member of Educational Video Team. (dsh/tri)[:]