[:id]Mahasiswa FK UII Timba Ilmu di Taiwan [:en]FM UII Students Studied in Taiwan[:]

[:id]summer program asia university 2018


TAIWAN (Ath-Thib) – Lima mahasiswa angkatan 2015 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII), yaitu: Rafik Prabowo, Farida Rahmatika, Asyam Syafiq Hasbullah, Afief Mulyawijaya, Finandanisa Amani berkesempatan untuk mengikuti “Summer Program 2018: Healthy Aging and Anti-Aging” di Collage of Medical and Health Science Asia University, Taiwan selama 2 minggu dari tanggal 23 Juli hingga 3 Agustus 2018.

Asia University yang berlokasi di Distrik Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan tinggi paling bergengsi di Taiwan. Asia University banyak meraih prestasi di bidang penelitian dan dikenal memiliki keunggulan dalam proses pendidikannya. Universitas ini juga menjadi salah satu destinasi pendidikan yang banyak dilirik mahasiswa asing. Salah satu keunggulan yang dimiliki adalah adanya fasilitas asrama modern bagi para mahasiswa dari luar negeri. College of Medical and Health Sciences sendiri berdiri sejak tahun 2005 dengan awalnya bernama College of Health.

“Selama mengikuti summer program ini, kami mengikuti berbagai kegiatan pembelajaran seperti kuliah, praktikum di laboratorium, serta berdiskusi dan saling bertukar ide serta pikiran dari para pakar hebat. Event ini juga diikuti oleh mahasiswa dari negara-negara lain di dunia serta beberapa negara tetangga kita seperti Malaysia, Thailand, India dengan jadwal yang berbeda-beda,” jelas Rafik Prabowo, salah satu mahasiswa peserta summer program.

Total terdapat 36 jam pelajaran yang harus ditempuh selama summer program ini, meliputi: Introduction to Campus and Courses, Lifestyle in Aging, Anti-Aging Diet, Aging Gene and Molecular Biology, Psychology of Aging, Geriatrics Care (Geriatric Rehabilitation, Long Term Care), Age-Related Vision Loss and Prevention, Age-Related Hearing Loss and Prevention, Health Promotion Activities for Successful Aging, Animal Companionship for the Elderly, dan Summary.

Adanya program Summer Program Asia University 2018 benar-benar menjadikan kampus tersebut sebagai rumah bagi siswa internasional dari seluruh dunia dan memberikan pengalaman akademisi yang menantang dengan menu kegiatan pendidikan dan sosial yang seimbang sehingga peserta akan memiliki pengalaman belajar yang benar-benar transformatif. Kita berdoa semoga kelak FK UII juga dapat menyelenggarakan program yang mendunia seperti ini, amin. (dsh/Tri)[:en]summer program asia university 2018

FM UII students participating in the “Summer 2018 Program: Healthy Aging and Anti-Aging” took pictures with the certificate obtained after completing all activities at the Collage of Medical and Health Science Asia University, Taiwan.

[photo source]




   TAIWAN (Ath-Thib) – Five students of batch 2015 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FM UII), namely: Rafik Prabowo, Farida Rahmatika, Asyam Syafiq Hasbullah, Afief Mulyawijaya, Finandanisa Amani had the opportunity to participate in the “Summer Program2018: Healthy Aging and Anti -Aging” at the College of Medical and Health Science Asia University, Taiwan for 2 weeks from 23 July to 3 August 2018.

Asia University, located in Wufeng District, Taichung, Taiwan, is one of the most prestigious higher education institutions in Taiwan. Asia University won many achievements in the field of research and is known to have excellence in the education process. The university is also one of the educational destinations that many foreign students are attracted to. One of the advantages is that there is a modern dormitory facility for students from abroad. The College of Medical and Health Sciences itself was established in 2005 with its initial name as the College of Health.

“During this summer program, we attended various learning activities such as lectures, lab work, and discussion and exchanging ideas and thoughts from the great experts. This event was also attended by students from other countries in the world and some of our neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, India with different schedules,” explained Rafik Prabowo, one of the students participating in the summer program.

Totally, there are 36 hours of lessons to be taken during this summer program, including: Introduction to Campus and Courses, Lifestyle in Aging, Anti-Aging Diet, Aging Gene and Molecular Biology, Psychology of Aging, Geriatrics Care (Geriatric Rehabilitation, Long Term Care), Age-Related Vision Loss and Prevention, Age-Related Hearing Loss and Prevention, Health Promotion Activities for Successful Aging, Animal Companionship for the Elderly, and Summary.

The existence of Asia University Summer Program 2018 truly made the campus as a home for international students from all over the world and provided a challenging academic experience with a balanced menu of educational and social activities so that participants will have a truly transformative learning experience. We pray that someday FM UII can also organize these global programs, Amen. (dsh/Tri)[:]