Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) pada Kehamilan (Laporan Kasus)

Abstract: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune diseases with multiple clinical manifestasion. SLE can affect on multi organ vitals. Pregnancy with all the consequence usually have many problems in SLE patients. Therapy for SLE in pregnance are more compleks. We reported patient a pregnance women, 16 years old gravid 27 weeks that diagnosed […]

Analisa Perilaku Berkeluarga Berencana Keluarga Miskin di Desa Bangkok, Boyolali

Abstract: Background: Family Planning (FP) program after reformation show no progress. After the regional otonomy was established, the execution of FP program was done by the regional government. Even not all of the region put FP as the priority. Another problem that became the hindrance is the lack of staff, jamming of FP equipment, and […]

Hubungan Motivasi dan Status Gizi Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik yang Menjalani Hemodialisa Rutin di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Abstract: Chronic renal failure is a trouble of renal function progressively and irreversible. The medical treatment for this diseases is hemodialisa, if the medical treatment using conservative treatment is not effective anymore to hold the life. However, hemodialysis has no effect, the often problem rose is the high of malnutrition rank, which caused the increase […]

Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Relaps Tahun Pertama pada Anak dengan Sindrom Nefrotik Idiopatik

Abstract: Most of nephrotic syndrome cases in children are idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Approximately 90% of patients who get prednisone therapy will have remissions, nevertheless 60‐70% will get relapse. The ojective is to identify risk factors for first year relapse in childhood idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. This design is Case control study. Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome patients who […]

Peran Uji Tuberkulin dalam Diagnosis Tuberkulosis Anak

Abstract: The tuberkulin test has been the traditional method for detection of infection with tubercle bacilli. Epidemiologists have used it extensively for assessment of tuberculosis situation in different communities. In clinical practice, it is used to find out the presence or absence of tuberculous infection. This aids in the differential diagnosis of tuberkulosis among children […]

Pengaruh Penundaan Waktu terhadap Hasil Urinalisis

Abstract: Urinalysis had known and almost commonly used test by physicians cause able to give the information which is alot of urinary tract and metabolit product. Specimens urine is easy to get. The specimen urine usually check is not fresh cause delayed time. The best specimens urine is fresh which is immediately checked to know […]

Perbedaan Kadar Resistin pada Obes dengan Resistensi Insulin dan Obes tanpa Resistensi Insulin

Abstract: Resistin is an adipocytokine that secreted from adipose tissue, resistin level serum increased in obese patients. Resistin has important biological activity on glucose and lipid metabolism, and can affect insulin resistance. Previous study suggested that high level resistin can induce insulin resistance and has contribution to impaired insulin sensitivity. The Objective of this study […]

Pengembangan Buklet Sebagai Media Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja Tuna Netra

Abstract: Reproductive health education is crucial for blind adolescent, because physiologically blind adolescent experience normal development of reproductive system, function, and process. Booklet is chosen as a media for reproductive health education for blind adolescent, because it is a printed media that can accommodate text and pictures in large amount, and considering that Braille letters […]

Analisa Faktor Penentu Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul

Abstract: Growing of emulation between hospitals that is increasingly tight and sharply, hence every hospital claimed to heighten competitiveness by trying gives satisfaction to all the patients. For the purpose must be known factors hich influencing level of satisfaction of the patient. And is a real thing necessary for we to know what which patient […]

Manfaat Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum)sebagai Agen Anti Bakterial terhadap Bakteri Gram Positif dan Bakteri Gram Negatif

Abstract: In recent years world society including Indonesia tend to consider the use of herbal medicine – back to nature. The advantages of herbal medicine become an interesting discussion. Most information expand in society is empirical ather than scientific evidence. Thus red betel vine’s benefit also becomes interesting discussion but evidence based edicine about it […]