Perbedaan Kadar Resistin pada Obes dengan Resistensi Insulin dan Obes tanpa Resistensi Insulin

Abstract: Resistin is an adipocytokine that secreted from adipose tissue, resistin level serum increased in obese patients. Resistin has important biological activity on glucose and lipid metabolism, and can affect insulin resistance. Previous study suggested that high level resistin can induce insulin resistance and has contribution to impaired insulin sensitivity. The Objective of this study […]

Pengembangan Buklet Sebagai Media Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja Tuna Netra

Abstract: Reproductive health education is crucial for blind adolescent, because physiologically blind adolescent experience normal development of reproductive system, function, and process. Booklet is chosen as a media for reproductive health education for blind adolescent, because it is a printed media that can accommodate text and pictures in large amount, and considering that Braille letters […]

Analisa Faktor Penentu Tingkat Kepuasan Pasien Di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul

Abstract: Growing of emulation between hospitals that is increasingly tight and sharply, hence every hospital claimed to heighten competitiveness by trying gives satisfaction to all the patients. For the purpose must be known factors hich influencing level of satisfaction of the patient. And is a real thing necessary for we to know what which patient […]

Manfaat Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum)sebagai Agen Anti Bakterial terhadap Bakteri Gram Positif dan Bakteri Gram Negatif

Abstract: In recent years world society including Indonesia tend to consider the use of herbal medicine – back to nature. The advantages of herbal medicine become an interesting discussion. Most information expand in society is empirical ather than scientific evidence. Thus red betel vine’s benefit also becomes interesting discussion but evidence based edicine about it […]

Pola Sidik Jari Anak-anak Sindrom Down di SLB Bakhti Kencana dan Anak Normal di SD Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta

Abstract: Dermatoglyphics is not only used to identify criminal, but also useful in clinical field. There are some evidence that people with chromosome abnormalities like Down Syndrome (trisomy 21), have abnormality in dermatoglyphics attern compared to normal people. It can be used to help confirming the diagnose. The goals are to study the ariation and […]


Pemenang Lomba Essay dan Poster Tingkat Pelajar SMU Peringatan Hari AIDS PIKM FK UII

Angka kejadian HIV / AIDS di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan. Sebagian besar penderita masuk dalam golongan usia produktif yaitu 20-29 tahun. Remaja (15-19 tahun) menduduki urutan ke-5 terbanyak dari semua golongan umur. Kecenderungan HIV/AIDS untuk ditemukan pada usia  yang lebih muda juga mengalami peningkatan. Karena itu upaya sosialisasi HIV/AIDS pada generasi muda mutlak diperlukan. Dalam […]

Pengumuman Jadwal Predik Remidiasi 2

Pengumuman jadwal predik remidiasi 2 periode Oktober 2010 klik disini


Kepada seluruh mahasiswa FK-UII yang belum melalukan pembayaran SPP angsuran ke-2, masih diberi kesempatan sampai dengan tanggal 22 Desember 2010. Demikian, terimakasih (Wakil Dekan FK UII)

Pengumuman Yudisium Remidiasi Khusus Predik tgl 11 Desember 2010

Bagi Mahasiswa yang keterangan Kelulusan kosong WAJIB mengikuti bimb ( di lantai 4 FK UII ), dengan jadwal sbb : PPN ———–> Selasa, 14 Des 2010 DPW jam 12.00 Konseling —–> Selasa, 14 Des 2010 YDC jam 12.00 MLBM ———-> Selasa, 14 Des 2010 KW jam 12.00 Px. Mata ——-> Selasa, 14 Des 2010 KW […]