[:id]Studi Banding Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI ke UII[:en]Comparative Study The Faculty Of Medicine YARSI University[:]


Yogyakarta-FK UII (20/07) – Tentu saja sudah bukan hal yang mengherankan lagi jika banyak universitas yang ingin mengadakan kunjungan studi banding ke Universitas Islam Indonesia, terutama Fakultas Kedokteran. Karena pada tahun 2017 ini, UII mendapatkan peringkat ke-3 setelah UGM dan UNY. Serta mampu masuk ke jajaran 30 besar pada tingkat nasional, yaitu peringkat ke-28.

Pada hari Kamis 26 Syawal 1438 H / 20 Juli 2017, Fakultas Kedokteran UII kedatangan tamu kunjungan dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Yarsi. Kunjungan yang berlangsung mulai pukul 13.00 WIB ini, dihadiri oleh beberapa dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Yarsi. Yaitu, Prof. Susi Endrini, Ph.D.; dr. Citra Dewi, M.Kes.; dr. Miranti Pusparini, M.Pd.; dan Dr. Rifqatuss’aadah, M.Kes.

Tujuan mereka datang ke FK UII yaitu dalam rangka untuk mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan Kedokteran Islam di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Yarsi. Selain itu, mereka juga ingin melihat pelaksanaan ujian OSCE Keislaman yang diselenggarakan di Fakultas Kedokteran UII.


Yogyakarta-FK UII – Of course it had been not surprising if many universities who wish to study the appeal made a visit to the Universitas Islam Indonesia, especially the Faculty of Medicine. Because on this year, UII get 3rd ranking after UGM and UNY. As well as being able to get into top 30 on a national level, that is ranked 28th.

On Thursday 26th Shawwāl 1438 H/July 20, 2017 at 1.00 pm, Faculty of Medicine UII receive guest visits from Faculty of Medicine Yarsi University. This visited was represented by several professors from the Faculty of Medicine Yarsi University. They were Prof. Susi Endrini, Ph.d.; Dr. Goddess Imagery, M. Kes. ; Dr. Miranti Pusparini, M. Pd.; and Dr. Rifqatuss’aadah, m. Kes.

Their goal came to FK UII in order to develop the Islamic medical education curriculum in Faculty of medicine Yarsi University. In addition, they also liked to saw the implementation of the Islamic OSCE exam in Faculty of Medicine in UII campus.
