Pola Sidik Jari Anak-anak Sindrom Down di SLB Bakhti Kencana dan Anak Normal di SD Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta

Abstract: Dermatoglyphics is not only used to identify criminal, but also useful in clinical field. There are some evidence that people with chromosome abnormalities like Down Syndrome (trisomy 21), have abnormality in dermatoglyphics attern compared to normal people. It can be used to help confirming the diagnose. The goals are to study the ariation and distribution difference of dermatoglyphics and also the difference of Total Ridge Count (TRC) on hildren with Down Syndrome at SLB Bakhti Kencana and normal children at SD Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta. This esearch use cross sectional study with 2 groups of subject that consist of 10 person. The dermatoglyphics was taken y sticking both hands that had been marked with purple ink on the paper. Gathered data was analyzed with escriptive analysis and statistic analysis using Chi Square test, Fisher test and independent sample T-test with SPSS 4 for windows. The results show that the highest mean percentage of dermatoglyphics on Down Syndrome children is whorl (55%), on the otherhand the highest mean percentage of dermatoglyphics on normal children is loop ulna (53%). There is significant difference (p<0,05) using Chi Square test on distribution of whorl pattern on both hands and whorl on the right hand of children with Down Syndrome at SLB Bakhti Kencana and normal children at SD Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta, but the other patterns of dermatoglyphic show no significancy. The mean of total ridge countn Down Syndrome (209) was higher than normal children (165,3), using independent sample T-test show significancy at p 0,04. From this research, it can be concluded that there is significant difference of whorl pattern distribution of both hands and whorl pattern on the right hand between Down Syndrome children at SLB Bakhti Kencana and normal children at SD Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta, but the distribution of loop ulna, loop radial and arch pattern on both hands and each hand show no significancy. The mean of total ridge count between both population how significant difference.
Keyword : dermatoglyphics, Down Syndrome, normal children

Penulis : Annisa Ainur, Janatin Hastuti, Zainuri Sabta Nugraha

Published on : JKKI Vol.1 No. 1 April 2009