Deputy Director of RSUD Sragen: Young Doctors of FK UII Must Respect Patients

Sragen (UII News) – The best source of knowledge and teachers for young doctors/koas are patients, therefore every student who attends education (young doctors) must really respect them, their families and keep their secrets.

The message was conveyed by the Deputy Director of Sragen Hospital, dr. Mursidi, Sp.B when receiving the handover of a young doctor from UII FK, by the Deputy Dean of FK UII, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc in the hall of Sragen Hospital, Monday, 27 April 2015 / 8 Rajab 1346 H.

According to doctor Mursidi, knowledge that can be explored by young doctors actually exists in hospitals, so it is better for young doctors to pay attention to cases obtained from patients.

"The Medical Education Program Student Competency Test Questions (UKMPPD) probably originate from cases obtained from patients, so young doctors should pay attention to these cases in Sragen Hospital," said the Sragen surgeon.

Meanwhile, Deputy Dean of FK UII, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc asked Junior Doctors not only to master skills, but also to have clinical intuition that could be related to cases in patients and be able to explore the knowledge possessed by Clinical Advisors (DPK).

"Junior doctors are required to be professional, because service is prioritized in hospitals. Don't make fun of the patient in front of the patient, said the Vice Dean of FK UII.

Doctor Udin further said that during the clinical education, young doctors will receive Islamic training at the clinical education stage, for young doctors at Sragen Hospital, religious activities will be carried out in collaboration with the Sragen Islamic Boarding School, Central Java.

Presentation of FK UII Young Doctor by the Vice Dean of FK UII, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M.Sc was received directly by the Deputy Director of RSUD Sragen dr. Mursidi, Sp.B, dr. Passed Budiarto, Sp.PD, FINASIM (Bakordik), dr. Faith Fadli, Sp.B (Chairman of the Medical Committee). Wibowo