By: Afivudien M_ [email protected]

Islam is a complete and perfect teaching. There is not a single aspect of human life that escapes the regulation of Islamic teachings which are Rabbaniah. Humans are the most perfect creations of Allah SWT and have been prepared to face all circumstances from the beginning of life on earth until the Day of Resurrection.

At the end of 2019, we were given a test or grace from Allah SWT, namely Covid-19, which caused an uproar in the order of life in this world. And until now the most effective drug has not been found to treat Covid-19, but thank God, now there is a vaccine as one of the ways to deal with this pandemic.

Maintaining the immune system is currently very important to avoid diseases caused by viruses, such as Covid-19. In addition to precautions by doing physical distancing (keep your distance) and maintain cleanliness, the public must also pay more attention to the health of the digestive tract as an anticipatory measure to minimize exposure to this new type of corona virus attack.

According to one study, about 70 percent of the human immune system is located in the digestive tract. Therefore, it is very important to maintain the digestive tract system to maintain a healthy body. A strong immune system will be able to help avoid various diseases caused by harmful bacteria and harmful viruses.

The health of the digestive tract depends on the abundance of good bacteria or probiotics in it. Probiotic bacteria can interact with the gut microbiome to strengthen the immune system.

If good bacteria are more dominant, then humans can live healthy and avoid disease, because good bacteria can increase the body's resistance to the optimum point. On the other hand, if there are more harmful bacteria, humans will get sick because these harmful bacteria produce toxins in the body.

In February 2020, the National Health Commission of China and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine recommended the use of probiotics in patients with severe Covid-19. In a research journal published in The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, it was stated that 58 to 71 percent of patients with Covid-19 were given antibiotics and diarrhea occurred in 2 to 36 percent of patients.

When antibiotics are used, strengthening of the colonic flora using probiotics has been proposed to reduce susceptibility to subsequent infections. Even though probiotics have not been proven to be able to directly help cure Covid-19 patients who have symptoms of respiratory problems, experts believe that probiotics still have a good influence on helping the patient's digestive system.

Therefore it is very important for us to maintain the health of the digestive tract, and God willing, the Islamic religion has also taught us to always fast, be it Ramadan or Sunnah fasting.

“The source of disease is the stomach. The stomach is a storehouse of disease and fasting is the cure. (Reported by Muslim).

Fasting is one of our forms of worship to Allah SWT and it can also be part of human endeavors in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. As explained above, maintaining the health of the digestive tract can increase immunity, and can also maintain the balance of good bacteria (probiotics) in our stomach.

With this biological evidence, we know that the benefits of fasting are actually for the good of humans themselves, namely to cleanse humans from physical illness (dhohir) and psychological illness (mental/soul).

Waallahua'lam bishshawaab.
