Participating in the Prevention of Cervical CA, FK UII Holds Community Service

Implementation of Cervical CA Screening at RSIY PDHI, Kalasan, Sleman

Kaliurang (28/11)- Based on data from the Global Cancer Observatory (Globocan) in Indonesia, new cases of cancer in 2020, there were 36.633 cases (17.2%) recorded, from this data, cervical cancer ranks 2nd after breast cancer. Meanwhile, according to a 2019 Ministry of Health report, cases of cervical cancer occurred at 23,4 per 100.000 population with an average death rate of 13,9 per 100.000 population.

In order to spread benefits to the wider community in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially for prevention, diagnostics, and therapeutics in order to improve public health standards, the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) again held community service in the form of Cervical CA Screening. The Cervical CA Screening event was held in four separate locations, namely at the Yogyakarta PDHI Islamic Hospital, Kalasan Sleman on 21-25 November 2022, at the Mini Hospital FK UII on 28-29 November 2022, at UII Hospital, Pandak, Bantul on 18 December 2022, and at the PDHI Main Clinic, Wonosari, Gunungkidul.

Implementation of Cervical CA Screening at Mini Hospital FK UII

The head of the community service implementation committee, dr. Tien Budi Febriani, M.Sc., Sp.A, expressed his gratitude for the positive response from the public for the implementation of the Cervical CA Screening organized by FK UII in collaboration with Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital PDHI, Sleman Health Office, Bantul Health Office, and Hospital UII. "Alhamdulillah, the response from the community to take part in the Cervical CA Screening was very good, participants registered to date have reached 294 people at the two implementation locations, namely at the PDHI Islamic Hospital, Kalasan and at the Mini Hospital FK UII," said dr. Tien Budi Febriani.

dr. Tien Budi Febriani said that the highest cancer prevalence according to data from the Sleman Health Service in 2020 was the province of the Special Region of Yogyakarta at 4,86 per 1000 population. Meanwhile, screening coverage for early detection of cervical cancer in Indonesia is good through PAP smear and Acetic Acid Visual Inspection (IVA) is still very low at around 5%. “The effective screening coverage in reducing morbidity and mortality due to cervical cancer is 85%. IVA is a simple way to detect cervical cancer as early as possible, said dr. Tien Budi Febriani.

dr. Yasmini Fitriyati, SpOG, dr. Syifa Nurul Asma, MPH and the implementation team for the Cervical CA Screening

Group photo with the organizing committee for Cervical CA Screening. (Jo)