Good Writing Begins with Good Reporting

Caption: FK UII staff taking a group photo with the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK and trainer Nugroho Nurcahyo, SH (Harjo). Photo : Wibowo

Kaliurang (UII News) – Equipping education staff with the skills to make good reports will produce good news. So that the results of the writing can make it easier for readers to access good, factual, solid and accurate information needed about the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia.

This was conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, dr. Hj. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK in her remarks at the Reporting & Journalistic Writing Training for Faculty of Medicine Education Personnel Universitas Islam Indonesia, which was held on Thursday, 18 Ramadhan 1440 H / 23 May 2019, at the 1st floor auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine UII, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta, which was attended by 30 participants.

According to doctor Linda, this news and reportage must be written by the Education Staff (Tendik) of FK UII who are assigned an activity, and uploaded directly on the Web of the Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Indonesia.

"This report and news are very important to revive the FK UII website and provide information for readers," said the Dean of FK UII.

Meanwhile, as a speaker, FK UII presented Jogja Daily, namely Nugroho Nurcahyo, SH as the Managing Editor of the Jogjakarta Daily (Harjo) to teach the participants about making news, factually, accurately, concisely, concisely, innovatively and objectively.

"What is called good news is anything you didn't know about yesterday," said Nugroho Nurcahyo, who is affectionately called Popon.

Popon further explained that good written news must begin with good reporting, by providing added value with a clear objective of promoting a product or institution/company.

After getting the theory, all participants were asked to make news using data sources, make observations and interviews with activity sources from the event. Wibowo

Caption : Nugroho Nurcahyo, SH (Harjo) giving insight into writing to students of the UII Faculty of Medicine. Photo : Wibowo