Staying Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Staying Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: Marfi Kurniati (157112502)

Health is a priceless pleasure and something that we always hope for in living life in this world. Because without getting the gift of health from Allah SWT, surely we cannot carry out activities properly. Both carry out activities for the affairs of the world and the hereafter.

Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, health is the main prayer that we always pray to the presence of Allah SWT. Many of our family members, relatives, neighbors and co-workers who have received grace from God have been affected by COVID-19, whether they are asymptomatic, mild or severe. There are even martyrs who return to Allah SWT.

As an effort to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining health is an effort that we must do. Maintaining health starts with the individual, family and community, so that a healthy environment and community with strong immunity will be formed.

In Islam, maintaining health is one form of our gratitude to Allah SWT. An expression of gratitude for the gift of perfect and healthy limbs. So we must take care of it as well as possible. Narrated from HR. Muslim said that "Indeed, your body has a right over you".

Presented by Dr. Muhammad Hariyadi, MA, quoted from (29/08/2012), stated that among the rights of the body are giving food when hungry, fulfilling drinks when thirsty, giving rest when tired, cleaning when dirty and treat when sick.

From this hadith we interpret that it is an obligation to maintain the health of our limbs and body. Our obligation is to meet the needs for food and drink that are lawful, thoyib, and nutritious. We are also obliged to rest our limbs that we have used all day for activities with adequate rest. And we are obliged to seek treatment if any of our limbs and bodies are sick.

As part of our efforts to maintain health during this pandemic, we can do the following:

  1. Eat nutritious food
    The intake of food that we enter into the body reflects the level of our health. Consume often junk food will cause health problems in the future. Therefore we are encouraged to consume nutritious food.
  2. Regular exercise
    Doing sports doesn't have to be heavy, but we can do light exercises. The principle of doing sports is not to force the body and the most important thing is to be regular. We can do light exercise from inside the house, for example, moving our limbs stretching as well as relaxation every morning or walking around the village.
  3. Strictly implementing health protocols
    The implementation of the 5M health protocol campaign which consists of wearing masks, washing hands with soap, keeping a distance, staying away from crowds, and limiting mobility, we must always adhere to continuously and consistently. Even though we have done the vaccine, we must not ignore the health protocol.
  4. Participate in the COVID-19 vaccine program
    Participating in the vaccination program promoted by the government is one of our efforts to maintain health and avoid the corona virus. We intend to maintain health, even though many people still doubt vaccines. We can use the fatwas from the Indonesian Ulema Council and the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency as a reference that vaccination has benefits for maintaining health.