[:en]T-Shoes (Temperature Shoes) and Repellent Paper (Repper) Get Gold Medals[:]



College student Faculty of Medicine again incised achievement in the international arena. Two delegation teams from FK UII managed to bring home a total of 2 gold medals and two special awards at The 8th Cyber ​​International Genius Inventor Fair (CIGIF) 2017. This year's CIGIF was held at Chungmu Art Hall, Seoul, Korea on 12 November 2017. Several countries those participating included Indonesia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, Korea and several other countries.

T-Shoes (Temperature Shoes)

The first team consisted of Andita Khoilina (2015), Fitria Febriana (2015), Aghnia Kiasati (2016), in collaboration with Muhammad Hamzah Fansuri (2014) from the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI). This team won a gold medal and a special award from Malaysia with their work entitled T-Shoes (Temperature Shoes) to Detect Ulcus or Wound in Diabetic Person. Shoes that can detect ulcer disease (pain in the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine) in people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Andita explained that the shoes are equipped with temperature and humidity sensors whose function is to detect foot injuries in people with DM. The sensor will send data to an application where DM sufferers can check temperature changes that occur on their feet. "When there is neuropathy where the patient cannot feel pain, so he does not know that there is an injury that has occurred. Here our tool functions to find out whether an injury has occurred or not, if an injury occurs it will be marked by a high increase in temperature which can be seen with existing applications," he explained.

Repellent Paper (Repper)

Meanwhile, the second team, consisting of Andita Khoilina, Aghnia Kiasati, and Hafidh Rasikhun, also brought home a gold medal and a special award from Toronto with their work Repellent Paper (Repper). Rapper or Reppelant Paper for mosquito repellents is made from orange peels and makes candles from the essential oils of orange peels and citronella. "So we collect orange peels from traders in the UII area and also buy lemon grass and then we process it at the Essential Oil Lab (FMIPA UII -ed)," explained Andita to the editorial team.

Making oil from orange and citronella peels by boiling distillation. The finished oil is then used as the basic ingredient for making candles. Then the remaining distillation orange peel dregs are used to make recycled paper by blending used paper which has been soaked for 24 hours and orange peel which has been soaked in NaOH solution to separate cellulose from other components of orange peel.

The function of our wax and paper is to prevent dengue fever which occurs in many tropical countries. Because the content in oranges and lemongrass can make mosquitoes not recognize human body odor and can also damage the nerves of mosquitoes so that mosquitoes die. "We also want to reduce environmental problems related to waste because as medical students we want to care about the environment," he concluded.
