[:en]Publication Strategy in Nature Journal[:]

[:en]By dr. Dito Anurogo, MSc.

Prof. Taruna Pledge, one of the Speakers on Indonesia Writing [Writenesia] 2017

[Photo Credit Dr Dito Anurogo, MSc.]

FK UII, Yogyakarta [Nov 2 2017] – Publications are important not only for researchers or institutions, but also as an indicator of a country's progress. To choose a journal as a place of publication, researchers will certainly choose one that has an international reputation and has impact factor high, or at least Scopus indexed. The impact factor shows how much the journal is cited or used as a reference by other researchers. One of the journals with impact factor height is the journal Nature. Nature is a journal where Nobel Prize winners in Medicine publish their work. This was revealed by Taruna Ikrar, a native Indonesian professor of neuroscience who is a Nobel candidate Prize Medicine in 2016 for his research on optogenetics, in a national seminar titled ''Indonesia Writes [Writenesia] 2017'' themed Through the Pen Enlightening Civilization took place on the first floor of the auditorium Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia [FK UII] Yogyakarta, November 2-3 2017.

According to Taruna Ikrar, there are five strategies for how to publish research results in journals Nature. First, the research idea must be original. Second, the research team must have the ability to elaborate on various ideas so that in the end they find something new. Third, extraordinary perception. That is, a person or a scientist needs to have a special paradigm about new phenomena and at the same time have a unique and different way of research from the others. Fourth, collaboration, cooperation, and solid team work and high commitment are needed. The best examples of inter/multidisciplinary collaboration are research teams from well-known universities in the USA, such as California University, Harvard University, Stanford University, MIT. Fifth, never give up. That is, when our manuscripts are rejected, don't get discouraged. Rejection should be accepted as bitter advice to improve and improve the quality of our publications.

The scientist who has had five publications in Nature also revealed several main issues as obstacles to publication in Nature, including the language factor, the quality of scientific writing, the research process and how the quality of the data is, the very high level of originality, and the reviewer factor. That is, when a person or research team submits publication results in the journal Nature, by blind [random – ed.] will be reviewed by at least three experts or professors with international repute in their fields.

''Not just anyone can publish in the journal Nature because they have to have it extraordinary ideas [brilliant idea – ed.],'' explained Taruna Ikrar. To get a brilliant idea, the method is to read journals and research results as much as possible, then contemplate to find something. ''Something may be from simple things, but really new,''he continued.

The seminar, which was opened directly by the Chancellor of UII, Nandang Sutrisno, and was attended by more than one hundred participants from various backgrounds, also presented various speakers in their fields, such as Prof. Panut Mulyono [UGM Chancellor and prolific writer], Fernan Rahadi [Republican senior journalist], Mas'ud Chasan [CEO of the Student Library and Social Agency], Budi Cahyana [editor of Jogja daily], dr. Handayani Dwi Utami [forensic expert and novelist], R Toto Sugiharto [Kagama journalist], Jayadi Kastari [editor of People's Sovereignty], dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad [Deputy Dean of FK UII], Prof. Abdul Rohman [professor of Pharmacy UGM], and Rizki Ageng Mardikawati [prolific writer and literacy activist at the Circle Pen Forum / FLP Yogyakarta].

Deputy Dean of FK UII, Prof. Taruna Ikrar, Initiator of Indonesian Writing [Writenesia]

[Photo Credit Dr Dito Anurogo, MSc.]

As for the Indonesian background, writing [Writenesia] is the spread of hoax news on social media, a tsunami of information, the rapid growth of virtual-digital technology that needs to be balanced with a strong literacy culture. The younger generation and women in the millennial era need to get used to reading, writing, discussing and research activities as a culture that empowers society and unites people. Indonesian Writing [Writenesia] is a form of synergy between universities, especially Gadjah Mada University and Universitas Islam Indonesia, supported by collaboration between literacy communities. In the future, this synergy which is mutualism, multisectoral, interdisciplinary and comprehensive is expected to be able to give birth to pen warriors who have succeeded in enlightening world civilization. [dr. Dito Anurogo, MSc.][:]