Your smile calms me down

Your smile calms me down

By: Irena Agustiningtyas 097110404

Of course every one of us wants peace, that simple way can be done just by smiling. Based on science, a healthy smile is a Duchenne smile, which is the one that appears on the face by pulling the corners of the lips and contracting the muscles around the eyeballs so that wrinkles appear around them.

It is believed that by contracting the muscles of the smile it is able to give a positive response to the brain to produce happy hormones, endorphins. Endorphins come from the word endogenous which means from within, while morphine is a sedative or opiate. So, with a smile, our body is able to produce endorphins whose function is similar to morphine, a pain reliever. If the body produces this happy hormone, then of course the body will respond by lowering the stress hormone, namely cortisol which consequently can eliminate anxiety and sadness.

Have you ever seen the very famous Mona Lisa smile? The painting of the Monalisa smile is considered a unique smile, but represents a form of fake smile because it does not show any contraction of the whole smile muscles like the Duchenne smile.

If we look at it, a smile is not only able to make ourselves happy, but also makes others happy and calms those who see it. Let's pay attention when we see a smiling baby… How do we feel? Of course you will be happy, excited, and will respond with a smile too. Another example is when we meet an old friend and then spread a smile, we will surely respond with a smile too and even hug him, we are so happy.

Back again, even though Duchenne's smile is very famous, in Islam, the smile exemplified by the Prophet is a smile that is healthy and healthy. How is the smile of the Prophet? Remember one part of the lyrics from Nasyid Raihan with the title Smile:


An upset heart feels calm

When you see a smile, you are calm

But smile sincerely

A smile from the heart fell to the heart

The lyrics above convey that with a smile, you can get rid of anxiety, and you can even become calm. The smile taught by our religion is a smile with full sincerity. What is a smile with sincerity? Smiles are not fake, do not expect anything. Still in the nasyid above it is stated that a smile comes from the heart, it will fall to the heart of those who see it. There is happiness, there is serenity. Aisyah's mother ra said that: "I have never seen a person who smiles the most besides the Messenger of Allah" (HR. Tirmidhi). So no doubt that in the Prophet Muhammad always radiated happiness and serenity.

It's not enough that a smile can be an easy and inexpensive charity, as Rasulullah saw said: Your smile towards your brother is alms (HR. Tirmidhi).

Opportunity to give alms with a smile we certainly will not waste. Then, how to make us smile easily? namely by always being devoted to Allah SWT, following the Prophet, and not having the slightest hope in humans.