[:en]KDP Block 4.4 Seminar at FK UII[:]


In order to provide the same picture and perception to supervising lecturers at the Puskesmas regarding guiding UII FK students during the implementation of the Clinical Introduction Program (PPK), the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia organize Seminars and Workshops related to these activities.

This was conveyed by the Secretary of the Medical Education Undergraduate Study Program, FK UII, dr. Zainuri Sabta Nugraha, M.Sc while leading a PPK Seminar Workshop on Public Health Block 4.4 of FK UII which took place in the main meeting room on the 2nd floor of Fk UII on Wednesday, December 12 2018 which was attended by 18 supervisors from Community Health Centers in Bantul Regency.

According to doctor Zainuri, this PPK seminar and workshop was carried out so that supervising lecturers at Ouskesmas could provide directions and discussions related to family medicine services and information related to patients to be visited. Wibowo
