By: Syafira Laila Nurulita (18711008)

In life, we often encounter things that may not be in accordance with what we want. Not infrequently, things like this invite our emotions. When our emotions are overflowing, the nerves that work in the body are dominated by the sympathetic nerves (generally: spurring the work of the body's organs, heart rate increases, blood pressure rises. These nerves work when "fight or flight" or when in danger, feel rushed).

So, it's no wonder when we're upset and emotional, we really want to express our feelings of irritation and emotion in the form of passionate anger. And when the anger explodes it will be very draining (because most of the organ work increases). It's also not unusual if after expressing anger we will be tired. How do you deal with overwhelming emotions? Rasulullah SAW, our role model, has exemplified how to reduce emotional outbursts in a speech.

1. Ablution

“Indeed, anger is from satan and satan was created from fire. The fire will be extinguished with water. If one of you is angry, he should perform ablution." (Narrated by Abu Dawud).

Well, it turns out, with ablution, water that hits our skin will improve blood flow under our skin, especially the flow in the blood vessels in the facial area. This smooth blood flow will reduce heart rate as well as the dominance of the sympathetic nerves will decrease and turn into dominance of the parasympathetic nerves (generally: the work of the body's organs decreases, heart rate decreases, blood pressure decreases. This nerve works dominantly when we rest & digest, feel relaxed).

2. Change position (sitting or lying down)

“If one of you gets angry while standing, then sit down. If the anger has disappeared (then enough). But if it doesn't go away, then lie down." (Narrated by Abu Dawud).

Well, this is also the same, as we know, sitting or lying down is a resting position, right? This resting position stimulates the work of the parasympathetic nerves to work dominantly. So, by changing the dominance of the sympathetic nerves to domination of the parasympathetic work, this causes our anger to be dampened. In addition, in the blood vessels that are located near the heart, there are baroreceptors that regulate the heart rate to be slower and lower blood pressure when we take a low position. So that we become more relaxed.

Well, Allah and His Messenger know best, yes, the most appropriate way to reduce emotions, rather than wasting our energy. Cuss, more aware again to apply the sunnahs of the Prophet, which, God willing, what he recommends is in accordance with our nature as humans.