DESTANA REPORT 2020: TBMM Humerus FK UII Holds a Disaster Response Village, Girikerto Village, Turi, Sleman

Caption: Semi-online Destana opening and Destana I outreach activities

Medicine – TBMM Humerus FK UII, through the Community Service division (Pengmas) is again holding a continuous social service activity for the 2020 Disaster Response Village (DESTANA). Girikerto Village, Turi District, Sleman Regency on 20 September 2020 and 23 October 2020.

This Destana activity is a semi-online training activity that is held every month, and takes place from September to December 2020 in the form of outreach aimed at 30 elected cadre representatives and disaster logistical assistance to Girikerto Village. This activity was based on the location of Girikerto Village, Turi, Sleman, which is located at the foot of Mount Merapi. On the other hand, this activity is also based on knowledge that continues to grow, especially in the field of disaster.

The Destana I activity began with the opening of the event semi-online via the zoom application and which took place at the Girikerto Village Hall, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta, while still observing the health protocol. Then it was continued with counseling with the theme "Knowledge of Eruption Disasters and Disaster Management" with Mr. Tumbuk Punadi, ST, MT Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of BPBD Kab. Sleman. This activity takes place on September 20 2020 at 08.00 WIB to 11.00 WIB.

Caption: Semi-online Destana II counseling activities

The Destana II activity was carried out on 23 October 2020 from 19.15 to 21.15 WIB semi-online via the zoom application and took place at the Girikerto Village Hall, Turi, Sleman, Yogyakarta, while still observing the health protocol. Then it was continued with counseling with the theme "Pandemic Dangers and Health Protocols related to Covid 19" with dr. Mahdea Kasyifa. Alhamdulillah, all Destana I and II activities went smoothly and were attended by cadres quite enthusiastically.