[:id]2018 Faculty of Medicine UII Study Program Meeting[:]


Medicine – Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia again held the 2018 Work Meeting activities by presenting all Faculty Leaders, All Professors and their Educative Staff.

Work meetings are held as an effort to solicit suggestions and suggestions from units and departments in the UII Faculty of Medicine in order to align the vision and mission and work programs or strategic plans that have been made.

This was conveyed by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK when opening the event which was held on Sunday, 30 September 2018/20 Muharom 1440 H in the auditorium on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, UII Integrated Campus, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.

Meanwhile, the UII Chancellor, Fathul Wachid, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D appreciated the success of the UII Faculty of Medicine in being able to present all lecturers on holidays or Sundays.

"This is the first step to the success of FK UII, because it was able to bring all of its staff on holidays to attend the Working Meeting of the Medical Education Study Program on Sunday, I hope this is the first step to achieve further success," said the Chancellor of UII.

The Work Meeting for the Medical Education Study Program (PSPD) at the Faculty of Medicine UII was held for 3 days, namely September 30 and October 3-4 2018. Wibowo[:]