Medical Student Wins KIDE Gold Medal in Taiwan

[:en] Wibowo / Special Photo: UII FK Student Delegation who won a gold medal at the KIDE event in Taiwan Kaliurang (UII News) – KIDE stands for Kaohsiung International Invention and Design Expo). This activity is an annual event organized by the World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (WIIPA). This was told by Rima Nur Rahmawti along with […]

Student delegation from FK UII won the 2015rd place in the XNUMX National Scientific Meeting in Makassar

        Kaliurang (UII News-16/8) – FK UII's Scientific Medical Activities of Research and Technology (SMART) has again reaped a proud achievement. At the National Scientific Meeting held in Makassar on 12-16 August 2015 /. This was conveyed by Faisal Ridho Sakti, as chairman of SMART FK UII. Ridho explained that the UII delegation who successfully passed the […]

FK UII Women's Volleyball Team Won 1st Place

FK UII (13/06) – Faculty of Medicine, UII's Women's Volleyball Team won 1st place in the volleyball competition in commemoration of UII's 72nd Anniversary. In the previous match, FK UII won from the FTSP team and finally made it to the final match. The final match which was held on Friday (13/06) at GOR UII […]

FK UII won 72st place in the UII XNUMXnd Anniversary Relay

 Kaliurang (UII News-05/06) – The XNUMXst place winner was again won by the Faculty of Medicine relay team Universitas Islam Indonesia which was held on Friday, 05 June 2015/18 Sya'ban 1436 H around the integrated campus road Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta which was attended by all units or faculties throughout UII. This relay race was organized in the framework of […]

FK UII Wins Second Place, UII Milad 72 Futsal Tournament

Kaliurang (UII News-04/06) – UII's Faculty of Medicine took part in a Futsal competition between faculties Universitas Islam Indonesia 2015 which was held in the context of UII's 72nd Anniversary at the Sports Hall (GOR) Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km.14, 5 Sleman Yogyakarta since Wednesday-Thursday, 4-5 June 2015 / 17-18 Sya'ban 1436 with the result of second place against FIAI UII […]

SMART FK UII won 8st place at the XNUMXth SA Poster in BALI

Kaliurang (UII News) – SMART (Scientific Medical Activities of Research and Technology) Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) won 8st place in the poster at the 8th Scientific Atmospheric (SA) event of FK UDAYANA. This was conveyed by the Chairman of SMART, Faisal Ridho Sakti, after attending the XNUMXth Scientific Atmospheric (SA) event, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University FK UNUD, Bali on […]