Islamic and Medical Views on Physical Health: Exercise, Diet, and Sleep

Islamic and Medical Views on Physical Health: Exercise, Diet, and Sleep As a comprehensive religion, Islam provides guidelines regarding the health of its adherents. In the Hadith of Muslim History, Rasulullah SAW said, “A strong believer is better and more loved by Allah than a weak believer. However, both of them still have goodness. Strength here can mean the power of “faith” or […]

The Spirit of Prayer for Healthier Elderly!

The Spirit of Prayer for Healthier Elderly Physical and mental will experience the aging process even though it looks slow and cannot be avoided. There are special physical characteristics of the elderly related to movement functions, including endurance, muscle strength, gait speed and range of motion (LGS). 1 For the Muslim elderly, [ …]


  Health is the most important capital in us wading through life in this world. We can do various kinds of activities, just because we have something called healthy. Our tendency is to feel the importance of a favor only when it has diminished or even completely disappeared from us. According to H. Moh. Komarudin, health is a […]

Reciting the Qur'an for Calmness: A Health Review

Reciting the Al-Qur'an to Achieve Calmness: A Health Review The Qur'an is a form of miracle that Allah sent down to the earth as a guide for human life and will last until the end of time. No one is able to tamper with the content of the Qur'an because Allah SWT promised to maintain its authenticity forever. This is in accordance with the word of Allah in surah […]


SILATURAHMI AS A STRENGTHENING MEDICINE FOR HEALTH Hana Isnaini Al Husna, ST, MA The word Gathering in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) means friendship (brotherhood) (Kemendikbud, 2023). The word Silaturahmi or silaturahim itself is an absorption word that comes from Arabic which means shilah (to connect) and ar-rahim (womb) (Nuramdani, 2022). In Islamic teachings it is highly recommended to […]

Tahajud and Immune System

Midnight and the Immune System Author: Fathiyatul Mudzkiroh – 19711201 Muslims are certainly familiar with the term qiyamullail / night prayer / night prayer. Night prayer is a sunnah worship that is highly recommended by Rasulullah SAW. Apart from being rewarded, praying in the last third of the night is also an effective prayer. Apart from the advantages from a religious point of view, […]

Healthy Sleep a la Rasulullah SAW

Healthy Sleep a la Rasulullah SAW Author: dr. Dwi Nur Ahsani, M.Sc. Sleep is a state of unconsciousness experienced by every living creature. When sleeping, our brain is still working actively. Sleep nourishes body and soul. Sleep that is not of good quality can cause bodily disturbances such as immune system disorders, decreased growth hormone, decreased memory ability and […]

Wudhu in Health Sciences

Ablution in Health Sciences By: dr. Fery Luvita Sari, M.Sc, Sp.S. “He poured water from a dipper into his palms and then washed them three times. Then put his hand into the dipper, then rinse his mouth, put water up to his nose, and spit it out again with three sips. Then he put his hand in the dipper and washed his face three times. Then […]

Benefits of Tahajud Prayer in Reducing Stress

Author: Diana Tarisa Putri – 19711145 The Tahajud Prayer is a sunnah muakkad prayer which is performed at night or the last third of the night after waking up from sleep. This prayer can be done at least two cycles of prayer and is not part of the five daily obligatory prayers. Even though it is not obligatory, the call for the midnight prayer is contained in the Al-Qur'an sura Al-Isra' verse 79 […]

Secret Benefits of Dates for Health

Every time the holy month of Ramadan arrives, we encounter a lot of various foods and drinks that are often consumed during fasting, both as a menu for sahur, or breaking the fast. One of the menus that we often encounter is dates. The date palm is one of the most frequently mentioned fruits in the Qur'an. At least twenty times the name […]