[:en]Early Preparation for Ramadan[:]

[:en]Early Preparation to Welcome Ramadhan

Study Period March 2018 FK UII – Dr. Supriyanto Pasir, M.Ag

Kaliurang (FK UII) – Ramadan fasting is a worship that must be carried out by all Muslims. So every Muslim who has reached puberty is obliged to run it and those who leave it will be sinful. Thus the introduction of Dr. Supriyanto Pasir, M.Ag who was the speaker at the lecture for Lecturers and Employees of FK UII on Thursday 29 March 2018 at 13.00 in the Auditorium Lt. 1 FK UII.

He added that all Muslims are obliged to fast during Ramadan except for people who have received syar'i permission not to fast, namely: women who are menstruating, postpartum, pregnant women, nursing mothers, people who are old, and people who are sick. However, they are required to reimburse by paying Fidyah (feeding the poor).

Related image Further regarding the Month of Rajab, Ustadz Pasir explained that it is good to do early preparations for Ramadan so that we can be of higher quality in carrying out Ramadan fasting. "Early preparation is good, but don't make the Month of Rajab special compared to other months," he explained.

According to the Ustadz who is also an FIAI Lecturer, there are several things that need to be prepared for the Ramadhan Month, namely:

  1. Intention

All worship must be based on the intention of Lillaahi Ta'ala. Without a straight intention only for the sake of Allah, then all worship including Ramadan fasting will be in vain. In other words, we must do spiritual preparations such as strengthening obligatory worship, sunnah, amaliah, sincere, surrendering to Allah, etc.

  1. Knowledge

So that we are not mistaken we must know the knowledge, such as the law of Ramadan fasting, the conditions and rules, etc.

  1. Physique

To support the quality of Ramadan fasting, we are required to have a good physique. Fasting will indeed affect our physical condition such as tired, sleepy, weak, etc. However, with a fit body, our condition remains fit and there are no problems so that we can remain focused on fasting. In addition to eating nutritious food, exercise in the month of Ramadan is still carried out with the intensity and time to adjust.

  1. Days

In the month of Ramadan we are encouraged to give as much charity as we can. Thus we must prepare funds for the consummation of Ramadan.

Ustad Pasir emphasized that we must carry out the preparations above so that we are truly ready for Ramadhan. "Let's do these 4 things, God willing, we will be ready to face the Month of Ramadhan, " so asked him.

As usual, at the end of the lecture there was a division door prizes for which congregation is in the recitation of this period door prizes provided by Bank BNI Syari'ah. (AC)[:]