[:id]The Importance of Disease Mitigation as a Part of Islam that is Rahmatan lil Alamin[:]

[:en]The Importance of Disease Mitigation as a Part of Islam that is Rahmatan lil Alamin

Author: Muhammad Luthfi Adnan – 16711133

Islam as a religion Rahmatan Lil Alamin teaches to keep the faith and prejudice to God Subhanahu wa Ta'ala when facing the coming of life tests both in the form of disasters and disease outbreaks. By maintaining good faith and prejudice towards Allah, a sense of optimism will be awakened to be able to pass this test. The feelings that are awakened will then create positive thoughts to get through the disaster or disease outbreak.

In addition to building a positive mind to be sure of passing all these tests, Islam also teaches us to continue to try and try so that we can avoid all the adverse effects caused by disasters or epidemics that we face. Islam has provided examples and guidance on the importance of mitigating infectious diseases that prioritizes life safety, one of the examples in dealing with the COVID-19 disease outbreak so far.

One form of effort in dealing with disease outbreaks such as the current COVID-19 pandemic is to take mitigation measures to reduce the impact of the current spread and COVID-19. Disease mitigation measures are a series of efforts to reduce the impact of disease transmission. Disease mitigation measures that can be taken include taking self-prevention measures from contracting a disease such as adopting a healthy lifestyle, using a mask when doing activities outside the home, and washing hands regularly and making preparations if exposed to illness. Through these disease mitigation measures, the impact on health due to the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 can currently be reduced and accelerate the recovery of the impact caused by COVID-19.

In dealing with an outbreak of an infectious disease in an area, the Prophet Muhammad SAW has given an example of how to mitigate the disease. To protect the body from disease, the Prophet Muhammad gave an example by regularly consuming nutritious foods such as honey, dates and milk. These foods have good nutritional value and make the body healthy. Thus, the body does not get sick easily and provides good resistance to fight disease.

Then, when the disease had spread in an area, the Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of the safety and security of the area. As mentioned in the hadith, "If you hear of an epidemic in an area, then don't enter it. But if there is an epidemic where you are, then do not leave that place.” (Reported by Bukhari). The purpose of these preventive measures is so that disease in an area does not spread to other countries, so that disease outbreaks can end quickly.

Islamic Shari'at has taught that in order to mitigate disease, the benefit of the people is highly prioritized to protect the elements maqashidus syari'ah in order to achieve the benefit of the people. The elements of maqashidus shari'ah include maintaining religion (hifdzud din), life (hifdzun nafs), reason (hifdzul'aql), descendants (hifdzun nasl), and assets (hifdzul mal). By keeping the elements from maqashidus syari'ah this, the benefit of the people's life can be achieved and realize a true Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin and prevent future difficulties from arising.

Therefore, actions that lead to an attitude of undermining disaster or disease outbreaks are very inappropriate and contrary to the recommendations of the Prophet. Activities such as not wearing masks outside the home, hoarding personal protective equipment needed by medical workers, and not heeding self-quarantine recommendations or physical distancing is a reckless and selfish act that leads to the emergence of harm for the benefit of the people. Thus, cooperation between the government and various related parties is needed to protect life from damage that can threaten the benefit of the people and realize a true Islam. rahmatan lil'alamin.

