The Importance of Maintaining Early Waking Up Habits

The Importance of Maintaining Early Waking Up Habits

By: dr. Muflihah Rizkawati, M. Biomed (NIK; 197100404)

The habit of getting up early is still a difficulty for some people. There are people who are used to getting up early, but not a few people find it difficult to get up in the morning for certain reasons. Some reasoned that because they stayed up late last night, they still felt sleepy, dizzy, or felt that they had no activities in the morning so they chose to continue sleeping.

Then why is the habit of getting up early important?

The primacy of getting up early from a medical point of view

A study pre-post test which involved 56 students was carried out to see a comparison of stress levels in students who previously had a habit of sleeping in the morning after dawn prayers. The study results show a significant change in the level of anxiety (p=0.003) and stress level (p=0.023) in the treatment group after changing their morning sleeping habits to a habit of getting up early compared to the control group (without treatment)1.

People with the habit of getting up early have also been shown to have better levels of happiness and health than those who often sleep too late and wake up late in the morning. Researcher from Massachusetts General Hospital conduct a study by examining each individual's genome or genetic information to determine the relationship between genes, their preferred waking time, and how this relates to their health. The results of the study show that people with the habit of getting up early have better mental health, a stable body mass index, and have a smaller risk of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. Meanwhile, those who have a habit of sleeping late have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia and experiencing depression3.

The virtue of getting up early is viewed from an Islamic perspective

Sleeping in the morning from an Islamic perspective has a law that is makruh, as stated by Ibnul Qayyim Rahimahullah “Among the things that are makruh according to the scholars are sleeping after the Fajr Prayer until the sun rises because that time is the time to harvest ghonimah (time to achieve a lot of goodness).2. "

Rasulullah SAW also said: "Get up morning to seek your sustenance and your needs. In fact, in the morning there will be blessings and luck” (HR Ath-Thabrani and Al-Bazzar). In another narration, Rasulullah SAW said, "earn early to seek sustenance because actually getting up in the morning brings blessings and results in victory2. "

How great is the priority of getting up in the morning, because being awake in the morning means we are ready to face the day in order to seek the blessings of sustenance. A wise man gave advice to his son "don't let the rooster be smarter than you. It crows before dawn, while you sleep until the sun comes up snoring. When someone wakes up in the morning, many health benefits will be obtained, their work ethic will also increase, along with blessings related to sustenance. Let's keep the habit of getting up early, because the Prophet prayed for his people in the morning, "O Allah, bless my people in the morning" and because Allah gives sustenance to His servants between sunrise and sunrise.


  1. Jannah, S., Febrian, R., Ariyani, C., Hyoscyamina, D 2019. Effect of Morning Sleep After Dawn (Hailullah) on Student Stress Levels. Empathy Journal. 8(2): 58-63
  3. Jones, S., Lane, J., Weedon, M. 2019. Genome-Wide Association Analyzes Of Chronotype In 697,828 Individuals Provides Insights Into Circadian Rhythms. Nature Communications.; 10( 343); 1-11