[:en] Assessment between GAKI Research and Development Center and Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta[:]


assessment-between-hall-research-bang-gaki-with-the-Islamic-university of Indonesia

Presenters of the Cooperation Network Meeting

Realizing that an institution cannot work alone in producing real work that benefits society, the GAKI R&D Center continues to promote various collaborations with other parties including universities. Moreover, higher education is also a productive institution that produces research. For this reason, every year, the GAKI Research and Development Center tries to continue to establish new networks and collaborations with various universities in Indonesia.

After previously officially collaborating with Diponegoro University and in the process of finalizing a collaboration draft with Gadjah Mada University, now the GAKI Research and Development Center is again conducting assessments with Universitas Islam indonesia (UII) which is located in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Apart from being close geographically, UII has several faculties that have potential and opportunities that can be utilized for collaboration, including the faculties of Medicine, MIPA, and the faculties of Psychology and Social Culture. Because the idea received a good response from UII, a networking and collaboration assessment meeting was finally held on Monday, August 8 2016 in the Hall of Research and Development Center GAKI Magelang.

The meeting was attended by 34 people consisting of representatives from each faculty, the structural staff of the GAKI Research and Development Center, researchers, research and engineering and representatives from the management support of the GAKI Research and Development Center. The collaboration network assessment meeting took place in a fluid, warm and thick manner with a family feel. Occasionally the leaders throw fresh jokes at each other and praise each other when delivering their presentations.

In his presentation, the Head of the GAKI Research and Development Center, Sugianto, SKM, M.Sc.PH stated that the collaboration between the GAKI Research and Development Center and UII had to be carried out because research institutions and universities have mutually supportive and inseparable relationships like 2 sides of a coin. .

"We have built a network of cooperation with many universities throughout Indonesia. From Aceh to Papua. Many are doing internships, street vendors or doing visits and scientific tours. This is what we will try with UII now. The cooperation that exists will be quite beneficial to both parties. Moreover, the distance is quite close. So I hope this meeting will have a follow-up," he said.

Meanwhile, UII, represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Drs. Allwar, M.Sc.PHd, also expressed his enthusiasm for this collaboration. He hopes that this collaboration can help encourage UII to carry out national and even international class research and help improve the abilities of its students through various activities such as internships or street vendors, as well as collaborating in other fields.

Together looking for opportunities

Exposure was not only from the GAKI Research and Development Center and the UII MIPA Faculty. But it was also continued by representatives from the Faculty of Medicine namely, dr. Syaefudin Ali Akhmad, M. Sc (vice dean), and from the Faculty of Psychology and Social Culture, Dr. rer.nat Arief Fahmi, MA, HRM (Dean). The presenters presented profiles with the aim that each party could recognize each other, explore potential, see opportunities for cooperation and help each other fill in what was lacking. That way, it is hoped that after the presentation there will be a discussion that leads to follow-up cooperation.

And sure enough, several ideas related to cooperation began to emerge during discussions such as cooperation in the field of joint research, scientific publications in national and international journals, use of laboratories and capacity building.

"After listening to the presentation and discussion, I think this is a good opportunity for both parties. We can complement each other regarding the limitations of research facilities and infrastructure, as well as complement each other regarding science. If universities depart from scientific issues, we depart from program issues. It can be synergized so that it complements each other,” said Dr. Leny Latifah, S.Psi, M.Psi, one of the researchers at the GAKI Research and Development Center.

Both Parties Exchanging Information

Cooperation follow-up plan

Like the initial commitment, each party hopes that there will be a follow-up to this assessment meeting soon. Thus, at the end of the meeting an agreement was made before the official collaboration was contained in an agreement document. The follow-up plan includes:

1. Harmonization which consists of a commitment to continue to communicate both formally and informally, holding discussions with small teams in each faculty, exchanging information about opportunities for collaboration in more detail related to research, laboratories and capacity building,

2. Synergy through student internship activities from UII to the GAKI Research and Development Center, sending guest lecturers to UII according to the theme and expertise and synergizing the 2017-2018 research plan. (HMS-Ajeng Pinto)


Togetherness is a start. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.– Henry Ford[:]