[:en]Announcement of Faculty Level Selection of Outstanding Students at UII Undergraduate Program[:]


Outstanding students are students who achieve high achievements, both curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular, according to the specified criteria, and have a good personality.



  1. Citizen of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. Registered and active as an undergraduate program student in the current academic year, a maximum of semester VIII and at the time of the national level Mawapres election has not been declared passed, and is not more than 23 years old on January 1 2017 as evidenced by a valid Student Identity Card (KTM) still valid.
  3. Grade Point Average (GPA of all courses passed) minimum average of 3,00.
  4. Cover letter/recommendation from the Dean stating that the proposed students are the first and second winners of the respective faculty selection results (After Faculty Level Selection).
  5. Have never been a finalist in the National Achievement Student election in the previous year.



Candidates submit themselves as candidates for faculty-level Mawapres, by completing the following documents:

  1. Creating original Scientific Writing, with the theme and "Increasing Productivity of Science and Technology and Innovation to Create Human Resources with Excellent Character," 4 copies (for topics and writing systematics REQUIRED following the 2017 Undergraduate Mawapres Guidebook from the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs KEMENRISTEKDIKTI, which can be downloaded via the website (http://pilmapres.ristekdikti.go.id/)
  2. Make a summary / summary (not abstract) of scientific papers that have been compiled, consisting of 600-700 words, written in English or other foreign languages ​​(French/Spanish/Arabic/Chinese).
  3. Collect 3x4 cm photos, as many as 4 sheets
  4. Attach a copy of Student Identity Card (KTM), totaling 4 sheets
  5. Fill out a Curriculum Vitae, as many as 4 copies
  6. Fill in the GPA List, as many as 4 copies
  7. Fill in the List of Achievements that are featured, as many as 4 copies
  8. Attach evidence of superior achievement/ability while being a student, especially in co- and extracurricular activities that have received recognition and/or awards that have a positive impact on tertiary institutions and society (copies of certificates, decrees, charters, papers, publications), totaling 4 copies.
  9. Upload a video with a maximum duration of 6 minutes, which contains participants' descriptions in English (facing the camera), on topics related to scientific work (not using animation or the like). The video URL is included in the CV.
  10. Attach a cover letter/recommendation from the Dean declaring the participants as the first and second winners at the respective faculty level. (Fulfilled after passing the Faculty level selection)
  11. The 2017 UII MAWAPRES form can be downloaded via the website http://kemahasiswaan.uii.ac.id or copying at the Student Affairs Unit of FK UII (Arif Kuncoro)
  12. The winner of the UII level will take part in the Mawapres Selection for Kopertis Region V DIY
  13. Winners I, II and III at Kopertis level Region V DIY are entitled to take part in the National Mawapres Selection organized by the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs KEMENRISTEKDIKTI.


Put all the required documents in a folder, write down your complete identity (name, NIM, telephone number), and submit it to the UII Mawapres Selection Team at the Faculty of Medicine level (Mr. Arif Kuncoro/Marlina), no later than March 3, 2017 at 10.00 WIB.

For further information about the UII Student Achievement Faculty Level Selection (Mawapres), you can contact Mr. Arif Kuncoro (FK UII Student Affairs Unit)



Yogyakarta, February 17, 2017

Head of FK UII Mawapres Selection Team

M. Shukron Fauzi

