Announcement of Acceptance of Administrative Employees

Number : 08/Ka.Pan/10/Rekrut.Adm.Kontrak/IX/2011 21 September 2011
Subject: Announcement of selection results
Lamps : –
Based on the results of the selection tests and the meeting of the recruitment team for contract administration staff of the Faculty of Medicine, UII on September 21, 2011, it is hereby decided that the names mentioned below are declared accepted as contract administration staff of the Faculty of Medicine, UII.
  1. Eni Mawarti
  2. Marfi Kurniati, SE
  3. Mujiyanto, S.Si
  4. Naufal Bin Naffan
  5. Rachmawati Widyaningrum, S.Gz
  6. Sri Kadaryati, S.Gz.
  7. Udin Priyono, S.Pd.Si.
  8. Wahyu Adji Nugroho, S. Sos
  9. Yahya Arofat
  10. Zurriyyaty Ratna Puspitasary, S.Psi.

For participants who are declared accepted, please attend to meet the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UII on Thursday, 22 September 2011 at 13.30 WIB.

Thus this announcement was made, thank you for your participation.


Chief Executive
Dr. Yuli Sulistiyowati, M.Sc., Sp.KK
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UII   
Dr. Isnatin Miladiyah, M. Kes.