Announcement of Passing the Tutor Recruitment Administration Selection for Tutor FK UII November 2022

Based on the results of administrative selection and meetings of the Recruitment Team for Tutors & Medical Skills Instructors at the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia, hereby decides that the names mentioned below have passed the administrative selection and are entitled to take part in the written and practical selection:

1. dr. Muhammad Addinul Huda, Sp.P
2. dr. Lakshmi Damayanti
3. dr. Rahma Herviastuti
4. dr. Desvialin Ulfa Talitha
5. dr. Rizki Hafidzah Baswedan
6. dr. Muhammad Fathi Banna Al Faruqi

The complete timeline for the recruitment of tutors and instructors in 2022 can be downloaded at the following link: DOWNLOAD