[:en]The signing of the MoU between FK UII and Prodia[:en]The signing of the MoU between FK UII and Prodia[:]


The MoU signing process by Dr. Indriyanti Rafi Sukmawati, M.Si. as Vice President Marketing of Prodia Clinical Laboratory (green hood) and dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes., Sp.PK., Dean Faculty of Medicine UII (blue veil).

Yogyakarta, FK UII – Prodia Clinical Laboratory signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement with Faculty of Medicine UII to strengthen cooperation between the two parties in the fields of education and research.

Indri said that this collaboration was to support researchers in the fields of health and medicine so that in the future more research and development could be carried out at Faculty of Medicine UII.

In addition, the event which was held on Monday (31/07) from 12.00-15.00 WIB in the Auditorium of FK UII, was not just the signing of the MoU, the event also held a seminar "Update Biomarkers in the Field of Medical Laboratory" presented by Dr. Miswar Fattah, M.Si and discussion forum with dr. Rahma Yuantari, M.Sc., Sp.PK as moderator.

The process of running this event can be said to be quite successful. Because at this event many journalists from various media wanted to do life reports, such as Kedaulatan Rakyat, Senayan Post, and Joja Daily. Not only that, even JogjaTV and RBTV also participated by covering FK UII with representatives from the Dean, Rector, Marketing Director and Prodia.

"Our target in 2038 is to become a research university. Right now we are at the level of excellence university. We hope that this collaboration can also help procure quality human resources in FK UII itself and in the midst of society," said UII Chancellor Nandang Sutrisno, SH, LLM, M.Hum., Ph.D.
