The Government Expects Doctors to Work Professionally


The Government Expects Doctors to Work Professionally

Caption: 38 new FK UII Alumni doctors, consisting of 18 men and 20 women (Photo: Wibowo)

Kaliurang (UII News) – The government hopes that new doctors will graduate from the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Indonesia (FK UII) can work professionally so that people can get the best possible health services, either through government programs or independent programs.

Current health problems are increasingly complex, the results of the 2018 Riskesdas show that Non-Communicable Diseases are getting higher, therefore the Government hopes that alumni of FK UII doctors will play a role in implementing the 5 major programs of the Ministry of Health which must be implemented at the central, provincial, district/municipality levels. cities and puskesmas, namely 1. Control of NCDs, 2. Elimination of TB, 3. Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality Rates, 4. Increase of Immunization Coverage and Quality, 5. Reduction of Stunting

This was conveyed by Setyarini Hestu Lestari, SKM, M.Kes from the Yogyakarta Special Region Health Office, at the Oath and Inauguration of FK UII Doctors for the XLVII period for the 2019/2020 Academic Year on Tuesday, 08 October 2019/09 Safar 1441 H which was attended by 38 new doctors, taking place at the auditorium of Prof. KH. Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Ulil Albab UII Mosque Complex, Jalan Kaliurang Km.14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta, which was attended by Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc. as Deputy Chancellor of UII for Academic Development & Research

According to Setyarini Hestu Lestari, SKM, M.Kes, professional behavior includes behavior that is not concerned with personal or group self-interest, and does not seek to profit from the suffering of others.

"Currently the government really needs human resources in the health sector for successful development, especially graduates from the Faculty of Medicine to fill the vacancies of health workers/medical personnel in the regions," said Setyarini Hestu Lestari, SKM, M.Kes.

He further said that the doctor is one of the many professions in the health sector, which has different characteristics from other professions. When you hold the title of a profession, then you should act or behave professionally every time you carry out professional assignments.

"As of today, you officially hold the title of doctor, but you cannot practice independently because you have to take part in the apprenticeship/internship stage in accordance with Government Regulation Number 52 of 2017 concerning Regulations for Implementing Law Number 20/2013 concerning Medical Education. Article 9 paragraph 1 states that every doctor or dentist who has passed the doctor or dentist professional program at home and abroad is required to take part in an internship program," said Mrs. Rini from the DIY Health Office.

Furthermore, as the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK informed that 38 new doctors took part in the doctor's oath during this period, consisting of 18 men and 20 women. the total alumni of FK UII are 1.741 doctors.

In his speech dr. Linda advised that the meaning contained in another item of the doctor's oath is that every doctor is to maintain the good name of the profession attached to each doctor. Doctors who graduated from FK UII should remember the words of the tagline, namely "be a good Muslim doctor". It is not easy to become a Muslim doctor who has a straight faith and commendable morals. Good morals are the culmination of one's goodness. Especially doctors, everything that is attached to them will be a reflection of the medical profession, including in interpersonal relationships, especially in carrying out the medical profession.

“Many incidents have occurred that have damaged the image of doctors because they have bad morals. The Faculty of Medicine never tires of reminding UII alumni doctors to be able to maintain self-respect, which in the future will surely bring the fragrance of the alma mater,” said dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK, Dean of FK UII.

Furthermore, the behavior of doctors in society will always be highlighted, both related to their profession and daily morals. Islam regulates us to do good anytime, anywhere and with anyone and to the patient, the patient's family, the community/people. Communication competence, having empathy and caring will help shape the morals of Muslim doctors, said his speech.

Caption : The procession of handing over the doctor's oath signed and handing over the IDI pin by the Dean of FK UII, dr. Linda Rosita, M.Kes, Sp.PK and witnessed by UII Deputy Chancellor for Academic Development & Research, Dr. Drs. Imam Djati Widodo, M.Eng.Sc.

The Chancellor of UII, Fathul Wahid, ST, M.Sc., Ph.D. in his written remarks said that doctor is a noble profession. Not infrequently, in his hands the lives of human children are entrusted. Dedication and precision in acting are non-negotiable. Indonesia will not be able to become a strong nation if its human resources are not healthy. In addition, in the increasingly rapid development of technology, especially entering the industrial era 4.0, it seems that the future of health digitalization needs special attention. Innovation is vital in health services. To improve the quality and safety of health services, it is necessary to develop health service innovations starting from primary services, by utilizing the latest digital technology, such as hospital information application systems, integrated national information systems, and disease event notifications. Wibowo