By: Mujiyanto (111002227)

One of the advantages of Islam compared to other religions in the world is its unique nature and character Rahmatan Lil Alamin (Arif, 2021). The meaning of mercy for the whole of nature includes all aspects of human life, including the health aspect. In addition, Islam as a perfect and complete religion has established principles in maintaining the balance of the human body. Among the Islamic ways of maintaining health is to maintain cleanliness (Husin, 2014).

Al-Qur'an as a way of life for Muslims has also regulated about maintaining this cleanliness. Allah SWT loves those who always clean themselves, as stated in the Al-Qur'an letter Al-Baqarah verse 222 which means:

"Verily Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves."

Regarding maintaining cleanliness has also been conveyed by Rasulullah SAW, in a hadith narrated by Baihaqi, which means:
"Islam is a clean or holy religion, so you should keep it clean. Indeed, none will enter paradise except those who are pure".

The importance of maintaining health by always being clean is a fundamental thing for every Muslim to do. One of the simple things that can be realized as an activity to maintain cleanliness is to get used to washing hands. Hand washing is useful for making hands clean and can kill germs on hands, and is scientifically proven to prevent infectious diseases such as diarrhea, upper respiratory tract infections (ARI) and bird flu (Asda & Sekarwati, 2020). During a pandemic Covid-19 Nowadays, washing hands regularly is an obligation for everyone. The behavior of washing hands with soap or commonly known as CTPS in running water is a community practice that reflects clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). During a pandemic As the Corona virus progresses, the behavior of CTPS in the community is a component of implementing health protocols to break the chain of transmission and spread Covid-19 (Sultan & Zikri, 2021).

Washing your hands is a fairly easy thing to do. According to WHO (2009), the steps for washing hands with soap are as follows: wet both hands with running water, apply sufficient amount of soap, rub palms and back of hands, rub between fingers of both hands, rub both palms with fingers tightly , the fingers are brought together while rubbing into the palm, left hand to the right, and vice versa, rubbing the thumb rotating in the grip of the right hand, and conversely, rubbing the right fingernail rotating to the palm of the left hand, and conversely, washing with water, and drying hands. Even though hand washing has been introduced since early education through the PHBS program in schools, the fact is that there are still many people who wash their hands in a way that is not good and right. In fact, many do not even practice hand washing (Delima et al., 2020). So that the hand washing movement needs to be encouraged so that it becomes a habit.

Rasulullah SAW associated this cleanliness with one's faith. Quoting Beliu's words narrated by Muslim, which means:
"Holy is part of faith"

The hadith explains that cleanliness and purity are inseparable parts of faith. Therefore, people who do not maintain cleanliness and purity are the same as ignoring some of the values ​​of faith. So, by getting used to washing hands, indirectly you have endeavored to uphold your own faith as a Muslim.


Bibliography :


Arif, MK (2021). Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin From Social and Cultural Perspective. Al-Risale, 12(2), 169–186. https://doi.org/10.34005/alrisalah.v12i2.1376

Asda, P., & Sekarwati, N. (2020). BEHAVIOR OF HAND WASHING WITH SOAP (CTPS) AND THE INCIDENCE OF INFECTION DISEASES IN THE FAMILY IN THE AREA OF DONOHARJO VILLAGE, SLEMAN DISTRICT. Nursing Media: Makassar Health Polytechnic, 11(1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.32382/JMK.V11I1.1237

Delima, M., Yunere, F., Putra, AYM, Andriani, Y., Fernande, A., & Anggraini, M. (2020). Education on Prevention of Corona Virus Infection Through Correct Handwashing Techniques. Pioneer Health Service Journal, 2(1), 64-69.

Husin, AF (2014). ISLAM AND HEALTH. Islamuna: Journal of Islamic Studies, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.19105/ISLAMUNA.V1I2.567

Sultan, M., & Zikri, LOK (2021). Getting into the habit of washing hands with soap in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Samarinda City Housing Complex. BSI Abdimas Journal: Community Service Journal, 4(2), 279–286. https://doi.org/10.31294/JABDIMAS.V4I2.10417

WHO. (2009). Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Healthcare. Geneva: WHO.