[:en]The following is a guide to activating UII e-mail for Koas Students in FK UII.

1. Enter the url unisys.uii.ac.id into the browser used.

Login to Unisys using your_NIM and the password is the same as the NIM.

Example: User ID = 10712001 Password = 10712001


2. Click System (1) then click Change Password (2).

Enter the old password and then enter the new password according to the instructions.

Click Submit when finished until a message appears Password successfully changed


3. Enter the url mail.uii.ac.id into the browser used.

Enter NIK/NIM with your NIM. Fill in the Password according to the Unisys password.

Click Log in.

4. Click Accept.


5. If successful, your UII email will appear

Frequently appearing error messages

1. NIM/NIK cannot be found / or password is incorrect

Things to do

Enter the url unisys.uii.ac.id into the browser used. Make sure you enter the correct User ID and Password. Please change the password and then try again. If you can't log in, please contact the Labkom FK UII admin.

2. G Suite – Invalid Email

Things to do

Enter the url labkom.fkuii.org/bsi to the browser used.

Select G Suite Error Repair – Invalid Email, Enter your NIM, enter your name then click Submit. Then wait 1 × 24 hours and then check again.

If it doesn't work, please contact the admin at Labkom FK UII.

Hope it is useful.[:]